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CAPTION directive

Prints captions in standardized formats.


PFIRST = string tokens What to print first (dots, page, outprint); default * i.e. none


TEXT = texts Contents of the captions
STYLE = string tokens Style for each caption (plaintext, stress, minor, major, meta, note, status); default plai


The CAPTION directive allows various types of caption to be printed in the standard Genstat styles. The contents of the caption are supplied by the TEXT parameter. The STYLE parameter specifies a string to indicate the caption style:

    plaintext ordinary text,
    stress text to be emphasized,
    minor a minor caption signifying a sub-section in the output,
    major a major caption signifying a section in the output,
    meta a meta-caption to group several sections of output,
    note a “note” to the user, and
    status a “status” message.

The PFIRST option allows you to start the caption on a new page or to precede it by a line of dots (or a horizontal “rule” if the output is formatted; see the OPEN directive). Alternatively, the outprint setting generates the dots or new page according to the setting for the current output channel (see the OUTPUT directive).

Option: PFIRST.

Parameters: TEXT, STYLE.

See also


Commands for: Input and output.


" Example 1:3.2.3 " OUTPUT [WIDTH=72] 1
        'Notice that, in plain text captions, Genstat reformats the',\
        'lines of the text to fill each line of output and start',\
        'the next line at the end of a word.'] Text
CAPTION [PFIRST=dots] 'Major heading','Minor heading',Text;\
Updated on June 20, 2019

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