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  2. FACCOMBINATIONS procedure


Forms a factor to indicate observations with identical values of a set of variates, texts or factors (R.W. Payne).


FLABELS = string token When to form labels (always, ifredeclared, only, never); default ifre
SEPARATOR = text Separator to use when constructing labels; default ' '
ISEPARATOR = text Separator to use between identifiers and levels or labels; default ' '
IMETHOD = string token Whether to include identifiers in the labels (include, omit); default omit


VECTORS = pointers Pointers containing sets of vectors (variates, and/or factors, and/or texts)
FACTOR = factors Saves a factor for each set of vectors with a level for every different combination of their values


FACCOMBINATIONS forms a factor whose levels identify the units that share the same combinations of values of a set of vectors (i.e. variates, factors or texts). The vectors are specified, in a pointer, by the VECTORS parameter, and the factor to be formed is specified by the FACTOR parameter.

This may be useful, for example, in regression analyses if you want to assess the lack of fit of a particular model. Suppose you have a multiple linear regression with explanatory variates X1, X2 and X3. If the data set contains units that have identical values for X1, X2 and X3, we can use these to obtain an estimate of the true residual variation, which can then be compared with the lack of fit of the model. If we put


the factor X123 will have a level for every combination of X1, X2 and X3 values that occurs in the data set. The residual sum of squares is then given by the sum of squares within the levels of X123, and the difference between the residual sum of squares of the model and the X123 sum of squares represents the lack of fit. (FACCOMBINATIONS is used in exactly this way within procedure FITINDIVIDUALLY.)

The FLABELS option controls whether labels are formed for the FACTOR, with settings:

    always labels are always formed,
    ifredeclared labels are formed only if the new factor has not been declared already with the correct number of levels (default),
    only only labels are formed (i.e. with this setting the factor is not given any values), and
    never labels are never formed.

The labels are constructed by listing the values of the original factors. The IMETHOD option controls whether the identifiers of the vectors are included too (each one before its values); by default they are excluded. The SEPARATOR option specifies the string to use to separate each identifier (if present) and value from the next, and the ISEPARATOR option specifies the string to use to separate the identifiers from the values; by default a single space is used for both of these.


Parameters: VECTORS, FACTOR.

Action with RESTRICT

If any of the vectors is restricted, the values of the factor will be formed only for the units not excluded by the restriction.

See also


Commands for: Calculations and manipulation, Design of experiments.


CAPTION          'FACCOMBINATIONS example'; STYLE=meta
SPLOAD           '%GENDIR%/Data/Sulphur.gsh'
" Form factor Lackoffit to represent combinations of Windsp & Winddir."
FACCOMBINATIONS  !p(Windsp,Winddir); FACTOR=Lackoffit
PRINT            Windsp,Winddir,Lackoffit
CALCULATE        Logsulphur = LOG10(Sulphur + 1)
MODEL            Logsulphur
TERMS            Windsp * Winddir + Lackoffit
FIT              [PRINT=*] Windsp * Winddir
" Assess lack of fit of model."
ADD              [PRINT=accumulated; NOMESSAGE=aliasing; FPROB=yes] Lackoffit
" No evidence of lack of fit, so return to Windsp*Winddir & print estimates."
DROP             [PRINT=estimates; TPROB=yes] Lackoffit
Updated on March 8, 2019

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