Key new Features
- The Genstat Server has been upgraded to Release 8.1
- Formatted output
- Customizable menus (COM, procedures with no arguments)
- Tools for building procedure libraries
Build procedure library menu
Attach procedure library menu
Display attached procedures menu
Ability to automatically attach help with procedure library - New event log (supersedes fault log)
New Statistical and Graphics Menus
- Sample Size Calculations
Binomial tests
Sign tests
McNemar’s test
Mann-Whitney tests
Lin’s Concordance Coefficient
Correlation Coefficients - Microarray Analysis
Support for GenePix, ImaGene, Spot R, ScanAnlyze, Quantarray and Affymetrix files
Log ratio and intensity calculations
Empirical Bayes Error Estimation
False Discovery Rate
QQ and Volcano Plots
Cluster Analysis - Nonparametric Statistics
McNemar’s test
Lin’s concordance coefficient - One and Two-way Analysis of Variance
- Biplots
Menu Enhancements
- Design
Power Calculations
- Analysis of Variance
Power Calculations
- Regression
Polynomial regression, smoothing splines and locally weighted regression include on Linear Models menu
Power Calculations on Linear Models and Generalized Linear Models menus - Mixed Models
Control display of 2D variogram in spatial REML menu
- Survival Analysis
Kaplan-Meier – display summary, quantiles and more graphics options
Proportional Hazards – allows sequential model fitting
Survival Distributions – log-logistic and lognormal distributions, save fitted survivor function - Multivariate Analysis
Discriminant analysis – enhanced output and graphics options
New Spreadsheet Facilities
- Fast load for large spreadsheets
- Row summaries
- Compare columns
- Column names – ability to replace strings within names