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  2. Lin’s Concordance Coefficient Save Options

Lin’s Concordance Coefficient Save Options

Use this to save results from Lin’s concordance coefficient in Genstat data structures.

  1. After selecting the appropriate boxes, you need to type the identifiers of the data structures into the corresponding In: fields.


Concordance coefficient Scalar or variate Saves Lin’s concordance coefficient
Correlation coefficient Scalar or variate Saves the correlation coefficient
Lower confidence limit Scalar or variate Saves the lower confidence limit for the coefficient
Upper confidence limit Scalar or variate Saves the upper confidence limit for the coefficient
Bias correction factor Scalar or variate Saves the bias correction factor
Z transformation Scalar or variate Saves the Z transformation of the coefficient
Standard deviation of Z transformation Scalar or variate Saves the standard deviation for Z transformation of the coefficient

Display in spreadsheet

Select this to display the results in a new spreadsheet window.

See also

Updated on April 26, 2019

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