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GLPERMTEST procedure

Does random permutation tests for generalized linear mixed models (R.W. Payne).


PRINT =string tokens Controls printed output (prwald, criticalwald, ownstatistics, monitoring); default prwa, crit
NTIMES = scalar Number of permutations to make; default 99
NRETRIES = scalar Maximum number of extra samples to take when some analyses fail to converge; default NTIMES
BLOCKSTRUCTURE = formula Model formula defining any blocking to consider during the randomization; default none
EXCLUDE = factors Factors in the block formula whose levels are not to be randomized
SEED = scalar Seed for the random number generator used to make the permutations; default 0 continues from the previous generation or (if none) initializes the seed automatically
BINMETHOD = string token How to permute binomial data (individuals, units; default indi
WMETHOD = string token Controls which Wald statistics are used (add, drop); default add
OWNMETHOD = string token Type of test required for own statistics (twosided, greaterthan, lessthan); default twos
CIPROBABILITY = scalar Probability level for the confidence interval for own statistics; default 0.95


GLSAVE = pointers Save structure of the original analysis from GLMM; default * uses the save structure from the most recent GLMM analysis
WALD = pointers Saves a pointer with a variate for each of the fixed terms containing the Wald statistics from the permuted data sets
PRWALD = pointers Saves a pointer with a scalar for each of the fixed terms, containing the test probability obtained from the position of its Wald statistic within those from the permuted data sets
CRITICALWALD = pointers Saves a pointer with variates for the 5%, 1% and 0.1% significance levels containing the corresponding critical values for the fixed terms, obtained from the quantiles of the Wald statistics from the permuted data sets
NNOTCONVERGED = scalars Saves the number of permuted data sets whose analyses failed to converge
OWNDATA = pointers Data required to calculate own statistics
OWNOBSERVEDVALUES = variates Saves observed values of the own statistics
OWNPROBABILITIES = variates Saves bootstrap probabilities for the own statistics
OWNESTIMATES = variates Saves bootstrap estimates for the own statistics
OWNSES = variates Saves bootstrap standard errors for the own statistics
OWNLOWERCIS = variates Saves bootstrap lower values of the confidence intervals for the own statistics
OWNUPPERCIS = variates Saves bootstrap upper values of the confidence intervals for the own statistics
OWNSTATISTICS = pointers Saves the own statistics obtained from the permuted data sets, in a pointer with a variate for each statistic


GLPERMTEST performs random permutation tests for fixed terms in a generalized linear mixed model, analysed by GLMM. A problem with these analyses is that their estimates of the variance components are generally biased i.e. the estimates are smaller than the true values. The Wald tests also suffer from bias, in that their test probabilities may be too small. You therefore need to be cautious when the probabilities from the tests are close to their critical values, especially when analysing small data sets or data from a binary distribution.

GLPERMTEST uses random permutation tests to provide an alternative way of assessing the fixed terms. It forms random permutations of the response, analyses those data sets, and records their Wald statistics. The distributions of the Wald statistics, under the null hypothesis of no fixed effects, can be estimated by the sets of statistics obtained from the analyses of the permuted data sets. Test probabilities for the original Wald statistics can therefore be estimated by their locations within those sets.

Before using GLPERMTEST, you need to analyse the original data set by GLMM. The GLSAVE parameter supplies the save structure from that analysis. If this is not specified, GLPERMTEST uses the save structure from the most recent GLMM analysis. The save structure provides the settings of all the options and parameters that GLMM used in that analysis. The analyses of the permuted data sets can therefore be done in exactly the same way as the original analysis.

The NTIMES option defines how many random permutations to perform; by default there are 99. The NRETRIES option specifies the maximum number of extra samples to take when some analyses fail to converge; the default is to use the same number as specified by NTIMES. The NNOTCONVERGED parameter can save a scalar containing the number of permuted data sets whose analyses failed to converge. The results may be unreliable if more than a few analyses fail.

The SEED option allows you to specify the seed to use for the random-number generator that is used for the randomizations to form the permutations. The default, SEED=0, continues the sequence of random numbers from a previous generation or, if this is the first use of the generator in this run of Genstat, it initializes the seed automatically. If NTIMES exceeds the maximum possible number of permutations for the data, an “exact” test is performed in which every permutation is used once. This is feasible only for small data sets. There are n! (n factorial) permutations of n units: 3!=6, 4!=24, 5!=120, 6!=720, 7!=5040, 8!=40320, and so on.

If the data are from a designed experiment, you may need to use the BLOCKSTRUCTURE option to specify a block model to define how to do the randomization. The EXCLUDE option can then restrict the randomization so that one or more of the factors in the block model is not randomized. See the RANDOMIZE directive for further details.

The BINMETHOD option controls how the permutations are done for binomial data. The original data set will have contained a set of units, each recording a number of “successes” obtained from an observed number of individuals. The default, and recommended, method is to expand the data set to contain individuals themselves, and permute these. Alternatively, you can set BINMETHOD=units if you prefer to permute the units as a whole instead.

The WALD parameter can save a pointer with a variate for each of the fixed terms containing the Wald statistics from the analyses of the permuted data sets. Similarly the PRWALD parameter can save a pointer with a scalar for each of the fixed terms, containing the test probability obtained from the position of its Wald statistic within those from the permuted data sets.

You can define your own statistics to be assessed by the test. They are calculated by a procedure _GLPERMownstatistics, which is called by GLPERMTEST following the GLMM analysis of each permuted data set. Its use is shown in the GLPERMTEST example, which can be modified to calculate your own statistics instead. The information required by _GLPERMownstatistics to do the calculations is supplied, in a pointer, by the OWNDATA parameter. The OWNMETHOD option specifies the type of test to be made. The default, twosided tests whether the statistics differ from zero. The greaterthan setting tests whether they are greater than zero, and the lessthan setting tests whether they are less than zero. Permutation estimates, standard errors and confidence intervals are also calculated, The CIPROBABILITY option specifies the probability for the confidence intervals (default 0.95). The OWNOBSERVEDVALUES parameter can save a variate containing the values of the own statistics from the original data set. The OWNPROBABILITIES can save a variate containing the probabilities from the tests. The OWNESTIMATES can save a variate containing the bootstrap estimates of the statistics (calculated as the mean of the values obtained from the bootstrap samples) The OWNSES can save a variate containing standard errors of bootstrap estimates. The OWNLOWERCIS and OWNUPPERCIS parameters can save variates containing the lower and upper values, respectively, of the confidence intervals. Finally, the OWNSTATISTICS can save the values of the own statistics obtained from the permuted data sets, in a pointer with a variate for each statistic.

Output is controlled by the PRINT option, with settings:

prwald to print probabilities for the fixed terms, estimated from the locations of their Wald statistics within the sets obtained from the permuted data sets;
criticalwald to print critical values for the Wald statistics, estimated by quantiles within the sets from the permuted data sets;
ownstatistics to print estimates, standard errors and confidence intervals for the own statistics, and
monitoring to monitor the progress of the anayses.

The default is to print probabilities and critical values.



GLPERMTEST uses RANDOMIZE to perform the permutations, taking account of any block structure of the date. The model is fitted, for each data set using GLMM, and GLKEEP is used to save the Wald statistics. The QUANTILES function is used to calculate the critical values.

Action with RESTRICT

GLPERMTEST takes account of any restrictions on any of the y-variates or x-variates or factors in the model.

See also

Commands for: Regression analysis.


        !t('Data from McCullagh & Nelder (1989, Table 14.4),',\
        'also see Schall (1991).'); STYLE=meta,plain
FACTOR  [NVALUES=120; LEVELS=20] Female, Male
&       [LEVELS=4; LABELS=!t(RR,RW,WR,WW)] Cross
READ    Cross,Male,Female; FREPRESENTATION=labels,2(levels)
RR  1  1  RW 14  1  RR  5  1  RW 11  1  RR  4  1  RW 15  1  RR  5  2 RW 15  2
RR  3  2  RW 13  2  RR  1  2  RW 12  2  RR  2  3  RW 11  3  RR  1  3 RW 14  3
RR  3  3  RW 13  3  RR  4  4  RW 12  4  RR  2  4  RW 15  4  RR  5  4 RW 14  4
RR  3  5  RW 13  5  RR  4  5  RW 12  5  RR  2  5  RW 11  5  RW 19  6 RR  9  6
RW 20  6  RR  7  6  RW 16  6  RR  8  6  RW 18  7  RR  8  7  RW 19  7 RR  9  7
RW 17  7  RR  6  7  RW 16  8  RR  6  8  RW 17  8  RR 10  8  RW 20  8 RR  9  8
RW 20  9  RR  7  9  RW 18  9  RR  6  9  RW 19  9  RR 10  9  RW 17 10 RR 10 10
RW 16 10  RR  8 10  RW 18 10  RR  7 10  WR  9 11  WW 19 11  WR  7 11 WW 20 11
WR 10 11  WW 18 11  WR  7 12  WW 16 12  WR  9 12  WW 17 12  WR  6 12 WW 20 12
WR  8 13  WW 17 13  WR  6 13  WW 19 13  WR  7 13  WW 16 13  WR 10 14 WW 20 14
WR  8 14  WW 18 14  WR  9 14  WW 19 14  WR  6 15  WW 18 15  WR 10 15 WW 16 15
WR  8 15  WW 17 15  WW 15 16  WR  2 16  WW 13 16  WR  4 16  WW 12 16 WR  1 16
WW 14 17  WR  1 17  WW 15 17  WR  2 17  WW 11 17  WR  5 17  WW 11 18 WR  4 18
WW 12 18  WR  5 18  WW 15 18  WR  3 18  WW 13 19  WR  3 19  WW 11 19 WR  1 19
WW 14 19  WR  4 19  WW 12 20  WR  5 20  WW 14 20  WR  3 20  WW 13 20 WR  2 20:
READ    Mate1
1 1 1 0 1 1   1 1 1 1 1 1   1 0 1 1 1 1   1 1 1 0 1 1   1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 1 1   0 0 0 1 0 0   0 1 0 0 1 1   0 0 1 1 1 1   0 0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 1 0 1   0 0 0 1 0 0   0 0 0 0 0 1   0 1 1 1 0 1   0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0   1 1 1 0 1 1   1 0 1 0 1 0   1 1 1 1 1 0   1 0 0 1 1 0 :
GLMM        [PRINT=components,means,backmeans,wald; DISTRIBUTION=binomial;\
            LINK=logit; FIXED=Cross; RANDOM=Female+Male] Mate1; NBINOMIAL=1;\

" own statistics: test Cross contrasts "
PROCEDURE [WORDLENGTH=long] '_GLPERMownstatistics'
  'DATA',       "(I: pointer) information required to calculate the statistics"\
  'STATISTICS'; "(O: variate) estimated statistics "\
  MODE=p; TYPE='pointer','variate'
  " insert commands to calculate the statistics " 
  GLKEEP      DATA[1]; MEANS=means
  VARIATE     vmeans; VALUES=means
  CALCULATE   STATISTICS = vmeans$[DATA[3]] - vmeans$[DATA[4]]
TEXT          [VALUES='RR-RW','WR-WW','RR-WR','RW-WW'] Contrast
POINTER       [VALUES=Cross,Contrast,!(1,3,1,2),!(2,4,3,4)] Owninfo
GLPERMTEST    [PRINT=#,ownstatistics; NTIMES=99; SEED=161064]\
              glmms; OWNDATA=Owninfo
Updated on February 7, 2023

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