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Constant functions

    CONSTANTS(g) Provides the values of various constants, according to the contents of string g: e (for a string of ‘e’ or ‘E’), π (‘pi’ or ‘PI’), missing value (‘*’), conversion factor for obtaining degrees from radians ('degrees'), conversion factor for obtaining radians from degrees ('radians') and the number ε defined as the smallest number such that the calculation 1+ε is detectable on the computer as greater than one ('epsilon'). (Synonym C(g).)
GCONSTANTS(g) Provides type numbers of Genstat data structures. The string g can therefore be either 'scalar', 'factor', 'text', 'variate', 'matrix', 'diagonalmatrix', 'symmetricmatrix', 'table', 'asave', 'tsave', 'expression', 'formula', 'dummy', 'pointer', 'lrv', 'sspm', 'tsm', 'rsave', 'tree', or 'vsave'.
The strings can be specified in either upper or lower case (or any mixture) and can be abbreviated just like the string settings of options such as PRINT.


Updated on January 12, 2022

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