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ADISPLAY directive

Displays further output from analyses produced by ANOVA.


PRINT = string tokens Output from the analyses of the y-variates, adjusted for any covariates (aovtable, information, covariates, effects, residuals, contrasts, means, cbeffects, cbmeans, stratumvariances, %cv, missingvalues); default * i.e. no printing
UPRINT = string tokens Output from the unadjusted analyses of the y-variates (aovtable, information, effects, residuals, contrasts, means, cbeffects, cbmeans, stratumvariances, %cv, missingvalues); default * i.e. no printing
CPRINT = string tokens Output from the analyses of the covariates, if any (aovtable, information, effects, residuals, contrasts, means, %cv, missingvalues); default * i.e. no printing
CHANNEL = identifier Channel number of file, or identifier of a text to store output; default current output file
PFACTORIAL = scalar Limit on number of factors in printed tables of means or effects; default 9
PCONTRASTS = scalar Limit on order of printed contrasts; default 9
PDEVIATIONS = scalar Limit on number of factors in a treatment term whose deviations from the fitted contrasts are to be printed; default 9
FPROBABILITY = string token Printing of probabilities for variance ratios in the aov table (yes, no); default no
PSE = string tokens Standard errors to be printed with tables of means, PSE=* requests s.e.’s to be omitted (differences, lsd, means); default diff
TWOLEVEL = string token Representation of effects in 2n experiments (responses, Yates, effects); default resp
NOMESSAGE = string tokens Which warning messages to suppress (nonorthogonal, residual); default *
LSDLEVEL = scalar Significance level (%) to use in the calculation of least significant differences; default 5


    identifiers Save structure (from ANOVA) to provide details of each analysis from which information is to be displayed; if omitted, output is from the most recent ANOVA


The ADISPLAY directive allows you to display further output from one or more analyses of variance, without having to repeat all the calculations. You can store the information from each analysis in a save structure, using ANOVA, and then specify the same structure in the SAVE parameter of ADISPLAY. Several save structures can be listed, corresponding to the analyses of several different variates. They need not all have been produced by the same ANOVA statement nor even be from the same design. Alternatively, if you just want to display output from the last y-variate that was analysed, you need not specify the SAVE parameter in either ANOVA or ADISPLAY: the save structure for the last y-variate analysed is saved automatically, and provides the default for ADISPLAY.

Apart from CHANNEL, all the options of ADISPLAY also occur with ANOVA and are described there. CHANNEL can be set to a scalar to divert the output to another output channel. Alternatively, it can specify the identifier of text data structure to store the output (and in fact an undeclared structure will be defined as a text, automatically).

The other difference concerns the options for printed output. The default for PRINT with ADISPLAY is different from that with ANOVA. You are most likely to use ADISPLAY when you are working interactively, to examine one component of output at a time, and it is not obvious that any one component will then be more popular than any other. So the default for ADISPLAY produces no output (that is, PRINT=*). This also means that you do not need to suppress the output explicitly when you are using UPRINT and CPRINT to examine components of output from analysis of covariance. Also, the settings information, covariates, and missingvalues have a slightly different effect with ANOVA than with ADISPLAY. As they are part of the default specified for ANOVA, they will not produce any output unless there is something definite to report. With ADISPLAY you need to request them explicitly, so Genstat will always produce some sort of report. For example, putting


when there are no missing values will simply tell you there are none.


Parameter: unnamed.

See also

Commands for: Analysis of variance.


" Example ANOV-1: one-way analysis of variance"

" This experiment studied the effect of different additives on the octane
  level of gasoline. There were 5 additives and 4 observations on each
  (P.W.M. John, Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments, page 46).

  Define number of units in the experiment (5 types x 4 observations)."
" Define a factor to indicate the type of gasoline for each observation."
FACTOR [LABELS=!T(A,B,C,D,E)] Gasoline
" Define variate to store the octane level recorded at each observation."
" Read the data, representing Gasoline by its labels."
READ Gasoline,Octane; FREPRESENTATION=labels
 A  91.7   A  91.2   A  90.9   A  90.6
 B  91.7   B  91.9   B  90.9   B  90.9
 C  92.4   C  91.2   C  91.6   C  91.0
 D  91.8   D  92.2   D  92.0   D  91.4
 E  93.1   E  92.9   E  92.4   E  92.4 :
" Define the treatments to be fitted in the analysis."
" Analyse the variate Octane, printing just the AOV table."
ANOVA [PRINT=aov] Octane
" Further output can be displayed without repeating the analysis:
  here we print tables of means."

" Example ANOV-1a: linear and quadratic contrasts"

" Suppose that gasolines A-E contain 0,1,2,3,4 cc/gallon of additive,
  respectively (but are otherwise identical). Plot the means against 
  the amount of additive."
AGRAPH Gasoline; NEWXLEVELS=!(0,1,2,3,4)

" Estimate the linear and quadratic effects of the additive."
TREATMENT POL(Gasoline; 2)
ANOVA [PRINT=aov,contrasts] Octane
Updated on August 30, 2019

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