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ASTORE procedure

Stores an ANOVA save structure in an external file (R.W. Payne).

No options


FILENAME = texts Name of the file to store the save structure
EXIT = scalars Scalar that contains the value one if the save structure was stored successfully, otherwise contains either zero or a missing value
SAVE = asave structures Save structure to be stored; default stores the save structure from the most recent ANOVA


ASTORE stores an ANOVA save structure in an external file. It can then be loaded back into Genstat in a later run, by the ARETRIEVE procedure, so that further output can be produced from the analysis. (See, for example, directives ADISPLAY and AKEEP, or procedures ACHECK, AGRAPH, APLOT, APERMTEST and ASPREADSHEET.)

The name (and path) of the file to store the save structure is specified, in a text, by the FILENAME parameter. The save structure is specified by the SAVE parameter. If this is unset, ASTORE stores the save structure from the most recent ANOVA. The EXIT parameter can return a scalar containing the value one if the save structure was stored successfully. Otherwise it contains either zero or a missing value.

Options: none.



The save structure is stored in a Genstat backing-store file by the STORE directive.

See also

Directive: ANOVA.

Procedure: ARETRIEVE.

Commands for: Analysis of variance.


CAPTION        'ASTORE example',!t('Split plot design, see the',\
               'Guide to Genstat, Part 2, Section 4.2.1.'); STYLE=meta,plain
SPLOAD         [PRINT=*] '%GENDIR%/Data/Oats.gsh'
TREATMENTS     variety*nitrogen
BLOCKSTRUCTURE blocks/wplots/subplots
ANOVA          [PRINT=aov; FPROBABILITY=yes] yield; SAVE=oatsave
" save oatsave "
ASTORE         'Oats.gbs'; SAVE=oatsave
" delete oatsave "
DELETE         [REDEFINE=yes] oatsave
" retrieve oatsave and print the aov table again "
ARETRIEVE      'Oats.gbs'; SAVE=oatsave
ADISPLAY       [PRINT=aov] oatsave
FDELETE        'Oats.gbs'
Updated on March 8, 2019

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