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Calculate Keypad

The keypad is used to enter operators into the expression being formed. The following table describes the meaning of each key on the pad.

Key Genstat Expression Mathematical expression Notes Description
C = A + B ci = ai + bi   Element-wise addition
C = A − B ci = ai − bi   Element-wise subtraction
C = A * B ci = ai × bi 1 Element-wise multiplication
C = A / B ci = ai / bi   Element-wise division
C = A .AND. B ci = ai ∧ bi 2,3 Element-wise AND operation
C = A .OR. B ci = ai ∨ bi 2,4 Element-wise OR operation
C = A .EQS. B ci = 1.0 if ai = bi
ci = 0.0 if ai ≠ bi
5 Element-wise string equality
C = A .NES. B ci = 0.0 if ai = bi
ci = 1.0 if ai ≠ bi
5 Element-wise string inequality
C = A ** B ci = aibi   Element-wise exponentiation
C = A *+ B C = AB 6 Matrix product
( (   Left bracket. Used to control order of evaluation. Can be nested as many times as required
) )   Right bracket.
C = A == B ci = 1.0 if ai = bi
ci = 0.0 if ai ≠ bi
  Element-wise test of equality. Can also be typed in as .EQ.
C = A /= B ci = 1.0 if ai ≠ bi
ci = 0.0 if ai = bi
  Element-wise test of inequality. Can also be typed in as .NE.
C = A < B ci = 1.0 if ai < bi
ci = 0.0 if ai ≥ bi
  Element-wise less than. Can also be typed in as .LT.
C = A <= B ci = 1.0 if ai ≤ bi
ci = 0.0 if ai > bi
  Element-wise less than or equal to. Can also be typed in as .LE.
C = A > B ci = 1.0 if ai > bi
ci = 0.0 if ai ≤ bi
  Element-wise greater than. Can also be typed in as .GT.
C = A >= B ci = 1.0 if ai ≥ bi
ci = 0.0 if ai < bi
  Element-wise greater than or equal to. Can also be typed in as .GE.
C = A .IN. B ci = 1.0 if ai ∈ B
ci = 0.0 if ai ∉ bi
7 Element-wise test of set inclusion
C = A .NI. B ci = 1.0 if ai ∈ B
ci = 0.0 if ai ∉ bi
7 Element-wise test of set non-inclusion
B = NOT(A) bi = ¬ ai   Element-wise logical negation (NOT).
C = A .IS. B   8,9 Logical test of equivalence of identifiers. In the calculation C=A.IS.B the result C is 1 if A and B are identifiers of the same data structure, after any necessary substitutions (for example if B is a dummy in a FOR loop). The result is 0 if the identifiers are different.
C = A .ISNT. B   8,9 Logical test of non-equivalence of identifiers
C = A .EOR. B     Element-wise exclusive OR operation


  1. For matrices, cij = aij × bij; for matrix multiplication see *+
  2. Zero is treated as FALSE as non-zero as TRUE. Logical TRUE and FALSE results are set to 1.0 and 0.0 respectively
  3. If either ai or bi is missing-value, the result is set to missing
  4. If one of ai or bi is missing-value, the result is set to the non-missing value; if both are missing, the result is missing
  5. Both operands A and B must be text; the result is a variate
  6. Operands must be matrices, symmetric matrices, or diagonal matrices of conformable dimensions
  7. Operands may be text or numerical
  8. Operator with scalar result
  9. Operands may be of different sizes
Updated on May 3, 2019

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