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IMOVERLAY(rt;rb;m;mp;p;x;y) overlays the RGB image in matrix rt over the RGB image in matrix rb; m controls how images are blended (0 = fast blend, 1 = slower, more accurate blend, 2 = pixels combined with logical AND, 3 = pixels combined with logical OR, 4 = pixels combined with logical XOR, 5 = output pixel is maximum of top and bottom as in Photoshop “Lighten”, 6 = output pixel is minimum of top and bottom as in Photoshop “Darken”, 7 = output pixel is sum of top and bottom, 8 = output pixel is difference of top and bottom, 9 = if top > mp, output top, 10 = if top < mp, output top, 11 = absolute value of the difference of top and bottom, 12 = take top × bottom / maximum component, 13 = take top × bottom × ModeParameter / maxComponent, 14 = screen, 15 = define bottom to be bottom + top – mp, 16 = define bottom to bottom – top – mp, 17 = pixels combined with logical NAND, 18 = pixels combined with logical NOR, 19 = pixels combined with logical NXOR/XNOR, 20 = color dodge, 21 = color burn, 22 = soft dodge, 23 = soft burn, 24 = Photoshop “overlay”, 25 = soft light, 26 = hard light, 27 = XFader reflect, 28 = XFader glow, 29 = XFader freeze, 30 = XFader heat); p defines the opacity of the blended image; and (x, y) specifies the position of bottom left-hand corner of the top image on the bottom image.

Updated on December 4, 2017

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