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KALMAN procedure

Calculates estimates from the Kalman filter (A.I. Glaser).


PRINT = string tokens Controls printed output (xpredicted, xfiltered, deviance, residuals, gain, varpredictions, varfiltered, varresiduals); default *


Y = variates, matrices or pointers Time series data
YTRANSITIONMATRIX = scalars, matrices or pointers Observation transition matrix, mapping the relationship between the current value of the state vector and the observation
YVCOVARIANCE = scalars, symmetricmatrices or pointers Observation error covariance matrix
XSTATETRANSITIONMATRIX = scalars, matrices or pointers State transition matrix, mapping the relationship between the current value of the state vector and its previous value
BXVCOVARIANCE = scalars, matrices or pointers State noise coefficient matrix
XVCOVARIANCE = scalars, symmetricmatrices or pointers State error covariance matrix
MEANINITIAL = scalars, variates or matrices Initial value of the mean of the state vector
VARINITIAL = scalars or symmetricmatrices Initial value of the variance-covariance matrix of the state vector
DEVIANCE = scalars To save the deviance of the model
XPREDICTED = matrices Saves the predicted (a priori) state estimate matrix
XFILTERED = matrices Saves the filtered (a posteriori) state estimate matrix
RESIDUALS = matrices Saves the matrix of residuals
GAIN = pointers Saves the Kalman gain matrix at each iteration
VARPREDICTIONS = pointers Saves the variances of the predicted state estimate matrix at each iteration
VARFILTERED = pointers Saves the variances of the filtered state estimate matrix at each iteration
VARRESIDUALS= pointers Saves the variances of the residuals at each iteration
SAVE = pointers Save structure which provides information for use in DKALMAN


KALMAN performs the iterations from the time-varying or time-invariant Kalman filter using a square-root covariance filter algorithm.

The parameters contain the components of the state space model where data (Y) are assumed to be linked to an unknown state vector (X), see Method for further details.

The Y parameter specifies the values of the observations as a variate, a matrix (where each row contains the values at a specific time point) or a pointer to a set of variates.

The YTRANSITIONMATRIX parameter maps the state vector (X) onto the observation vector (Y), with residuals assumed to come from a (multivariate) Normal distribution with mean of zero and variance-covariance matrix YVCOVARIANCE.

The XSTATETRANSITIONMATRIX parameter gives the relationship between the state vector X at time t with that at time t-1. This is assumed to have residuals from a Normal distribution with mean zero and variance-covariance matrix specified by the BXVCOVARIANCE and XVCOVARIANCE parameters according to the equation


By default BXVCOVARIANCE is the identity matrix. A description of all the default combinations of these parameters is given in the Method Section, below.

The state-space parameters YTRANSITIONMATRIX, XSTATETRANSITIONMATRIX and BXVCOVARIANCE can be set to scalars, or to matrices, or to pointers containing scalars or matrices (if they are time-varying) where element t of the pointer contains the scalar or matrix at time t.

The covariance matrices, YVCOVARIANCE and XVCOVARIANCE, can be set to scalars or to symmetric matrices, or to pointers containing scalars or symmetric matrices (if they are time-varying) where element t of the pointer contains the scalar or symmetric matrix at time t.

You should only set XSTATETRANSITIONMATRIX, BXVCOVARIANCE and XVCOVARIANCE to scalars when the state vector (X) is of dimension one. Likewise YVCOVARIANCE should be set to a scalar only when the data vector (Y) is of dimension one, and YTRANSITIONMATRIX should be set to a scalar only when both Y and X are of dimension one.

You can simplify the input when YTRANSITIONMATRIX, YVCOVARIANCE, XSTATETRANSITIONMATRIX, BXVCOVARIANCE and/or XVCOVARIANCE are set to pointers, if there are only a few different values. You need then specify elements of the pointer only for the times when the values change (the omitted elements are assumed to be the same as the most recent previous value). For example, suppose there is a change at time 20 for the setting (say ystate) of the YTRANSITIONMATRIX parameter. You could then define ystate with elements only for times 1 and 20, as shown below.

POINTER [SUFFIXES=!(1,20); VALUES=matrix1,matrix20] ystate

(Note that you must always specify an element for time 1.)

When YTRANSITIONMATRIX, YVCOVARIANCE, XSTATETRANSITIONMATRIX, BXVCOVARIANCE or XVCOVARIANCE are set to pointers, then all elements of each pointer must be of the same type, e.g. if YTRANSITIONMATRIX is a pointer and its first element is a scalar, then all of the other elements of YTRANSITIONMATRIX must be scalars too.

Before running a Kalman filter, values must be defined for the mean and variance of the initial value of the state vector. These are supplied by the MEANINITIAL and VARINITIAL parameters respectively.

The PRINT option controls printed output, with settings:

    xpredicted predicted (a priori) state estimate matrix,
    xfiltered filtered (a posteriori) state estimate matrix,
    deviance deviance of the model,
    residuals matrix of residuals,
    gain Kalman gain matrix at each iteration,
    varpredictions variance of predicted state estimate matrix,
    varfiltered variance of filtered state estimate matrix, and
    varresiduals variance of the residuals.

By default nothing is printed.

The results can also be saved, using the parameters DEVIANCE, XPREDICTED, XFILTERED, RESIDUALS, GAIN, VARPREDICTIONS, VARFILTERED and VARRESIDUALS. The deviance is saved as a scalar. The XPREDICTED, XFILTERED and RESIDUALS parameters save matrices, where each row corresponds to an individual time point. The others parameters save pointers, suffixed from 1…n, where n is the number of time points.

The SAVE parameter saves various elements of the output for use by the DKALMAN procedure, which plots fitted and original values of the data.

Option: PRINT.



Kalman filtering is a method of analysing multi-dimensional time series which can be written in the state-space form:

Yt = Ct Xt + Vt

Xt = At Xt1 + Bt Wt


Yt is the observed measurement vector (Y),

Xt is the state vector,

Ct is the observation transition matrix (YTRANSITIONMATRIX),

Vt is the observation error,

At is the state transition matrix (XSTATETRANSITIONMATRIX),

Bt is the state noise coefficient matrix (BXVCOVARIANCE) and

Wt is the state noise,

all measured at time t. When At, Bt and Ct are equal for all values of t, the model is assumed time invariant.

When BXVCOVARIANCE is not set it is assumed to be the identity matrix.

The observation error and state noise terms are assumed to be uncorrelated, with zero mean, and covariance matrices given by YVCOVARIANCE and XVCOVARIANCE respectively. When XVCOVARIANCE is not set, it is assumed to be the identity matrix.

The estimate of Xi given the observations Y1 to Yi1 is known as the predicted (a priori) state estimate matrix, and is usually denoted as Xi|i-1. Similarly, the estimate of Xi given the observations Y1 to Yi is known as the filtered (a posteriori) state estimate matrix and is usually denoted as Xi|i.

The initial values X1|0 are assumed to be drawn from a multivariate Normal distribution with mean MEANINITIAL and variance VARINITIAL. If MEANINITIAL is not set, it is assumed to be zero. If VARINITIAL is unset then it is taken to be 100 times the identity matrix.

The NAG algorithms G13EBF (for time invariant matrices) or G13EAF (for time varying matrices) are used to update one iteration from the Kalman filter.

Action with RESTRICT

Input structures must not be restricted.

See also

Procedure: DKALMAN.

Commands for: Time series.


CAPTION 'KALMAN example',\
     !t('Annual flow of the river Nile at Ashwan 1871-1970. See Durbin &',\
        'Koopman (2001, Time Series Analysis by State Space',\
        'Methods, Oxford University Press).'); STYLE=meta,plain
VARIATE [VALUES=1871...1970] Year
READ    Nile
 1120 1160  963 1210 1160 1160  813 1230 1370 1140  995  935 1110  994 1020
  960 1180  799  958 1140 1100 1210 1150 1250 1260 1220 1030 1100  774  840
  874  694  940  833  701  916  692 1020 1050  969  831  726  456  824  702
 1120 1100  832  764  821  768  845  864  862  698  845  744  796 1040  759
  781  865  845  944  984  897  822 1010  771  676  649  846  812  742  801
 1040  860  874  848  890  744  749  838 1050  918  986  797  923  975  815
 1020  906  901 1170  912  746  919  718  714  740 :
" Random walk plus noise model "
SCALAR  ytrans,yvcov,xstatetrans,xvcov; VALUE=1,0.8,1,0.1
SCALAR  m0,p0; VALUE=1,100
Updated on March 7, 2019

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