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LIST directive

Lists details of the data structures currently available within Genstat.


PRINT = string tokens What to print (identifier, attributes); default iden, attr
CHANNEL = identifier Channel number of file, or identifier of a text to store output; default current output file
SYSTEM = string token Whether to include “system” structures with prefix _ (yes, no); default no
SCOPE = string token When used within a procedure, this allows the listing of structures in the program that called the procedure (SCOPE=external), or in the main program itself (SCOPE=global), rather than those within the procedure (local, external, global); default loca
NSTRUCTURES = scalar Saves the number of structures of the requested types
SAVE = pointer Saves a pointer containing the structures of the requested types


    strings Types of structure to list (all, ASAVE, diagonal, dummy, expression, factor, formula, lrv, matrix, pointer, RSAVE, scalar, sspm, symmetric, table, text, tree, TSAVE, tsm, variate, VSAVE); default all


The LIST directive can be used to list the data structures that are currently available. It is particularly useful when you are working interactively to remind you about the data structures that you have set up, and the identifiers that you have used.

The parameter specifies the types of structure that you want to list. By default, all types are listed.

By default LIST prints details of relevant attributes, as well as the identifiers, but this can be controlled using the PRINT option.

The CHANNEL option can be set to a scalar to divert the output to another output channel. Alternatively, it can specify the identifier of text data structure to store the output (and, if you specify an undeclared structure, it will automatically be defined as a text).

The SYSTEM option of LIST controls whether structures whose identifiers begin with the underscore character _ are listed; this character is used as a prefix for example for the specialized structures set up by the Client program in Genstat for Windows, so their inclusion could be confusing.

The SCOPE option can be used within a procedure to list the data structures in the program that called the procedure (SCOPE=external) or in the outermost part of the program (SCOPE=global).

The SAVE option can save a pointer containing the structures of the requested types. This is not formed if there are none.

The NSTRUCTURES option can save a scalar storing the number of structures of these types. (So you can check whether a SAVE pointer has been formed by checking whether NSTRUCTURES is greater than zero.)

Parameter: unnamed.

See also

Commands for: Data structures.


" Example 1:2.11.1 "
VARIATE   [NVALUES=12] Count,Dose
READ      Count,Dose
     3   100   247   600     6   200   171   400
     8   200     5   200   615   600   153   400
     2   100     4   100    38   400   214   600  :
CALCULATE Logcount = LOG10(Count+1)
GROUP     Dose; Dgroup
LIST      variate
LIST      factor
Updated on September 12, 2019

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