For very large spreadsheets, updating the data to Genstat can be time consuming. There are a number of options you can set to optimize how large spreadsheets are updated to the server.
- From the menu select Tools | Spreadsheet Options.
- On the General tab, click the Optimize updates for large spreadsheets button.
This sets options in the following menus:
Tools | Options (Audit Trail tab) | Display spreadsheet commands is turned off. This option writes commands to the Input log and can be slow when a large amount of data is updated in the server. |
Tools | Options (Audit Trail tab) | Limit saved sheets to is set to 1024 KB. |
Tools | Spreadsheet Options (General tab) |
Once the optimized options have been set, data from large spreadsheets will need to be manually updated to the server using either the Spread | Update | Changed data to Genstat menu item or the F10 shortcut key.
However, for very large spreadsheets we recommend that data are updated using the Spread | Update | Using fast load (Save & Close) menu item. This closes the spreadsheet before updating the server, which reduces the memory used and subsequently increases the speed of the update.