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RMGLM procedure

Fits a model where different units follow different generalized linear models (R.W. Payne).


PRINT = string tokens Controls printed output (model, deviance, summary, estimates, correlations, fittedvalues, accumulated, monitoring); default mode, summ, esti
Y = variate Response variate
TERMS = formula Terms in the model
NBINOMIAL = variate Binomial totals
DISPERSION = scalar Dispersion parameter; default * for DIST=norm, gamm, inve or calc, and 1 for DIST=pois, bino, mult, nega, geom, expo or bern
WEIGHTS = variate Prior weights; default 1
OFFSET = variate Offset variate to be included in model; default * i.e. none
CONSTANT = string token How to treat the constant (estimate, omit, ignore); default esti
FACTORIAL = scalar Limit for expansion of model terms; default 3
FULL = string token Whether to assign all possible parameters to factors and interactions (no, yes); default no
DATASET = factor Indicates which generalized linear model to apply to each unit; default defined from NVALUES
LINEARPREDICTOR = variate Initial values for linear predictor
MAXCYCLE = scalar Maximum number of iterations; default 30
MVINCLUDE = string token Whether to include units with missing values in the explanatory factors and variates (explanatory); default * i.e. omit these
SAVE = identifier To name the regression save structure; default *


NVALUES = scalars Number of units for each generalized linear model
DISTRIBUTION = string tokens Error distributions (normal, poisson, binomial, gamma, inversenormal, multinomial, calculated, negativebinomial, geometric, exponential, bernoulli); default norm
LINK = string tokens Link functions (canonical, identity, logarithm, logit, reciprocal, power, squareroot, probit, complementaryloglog, calculated, logratio); default cano (i.e. iden for DIST=norm or calc; loga for DIST=pois; logi for DIST=bino, bern or mult; reci for DIST=gamm or expo; powe for DIST=inve; logr for DIST=nega or geom)
EXPONENT = scalars Exponent for power links


RMGLM is useful if you want to fit a model where there are several generalized linear models, each one applying to a different set of data units. This is required, for example, in the fitting of hierarchical generalized linear models (see HGANALYSE), and would also allow the fitting of multivariate generalized linear models.

The NVALUES parameter can specify a list of scalars defining the number of units following each generalized linear model. If NUNITS is used, the units are assumed to be ordered so that all the units with the first generalized linear model come first, then those with the second one, and so on. The DATASET option can then save a factor to indicate which generalized linear model applies to each unit. Alternatively, you can specify a list of null settings (*) for NVALUES, and supply a pre-defined factor using the DATASET option. The DISTRIBUTION parameter specifies the error distributions, the LINK parameter specifies the link function, and the EXPONENT exponent parameter specifies the exponent where there is a power link.

The Y option specifies response variate, and the NBINOMIAL option specifies the totals for binomial data. Prior weights can be supplied using the WEIGHTS option. The TERMS option specifies the terms to be fitted, and the FULL option controls the parameterization, as in the TERMS directive. The MVINCLUDE option allows units with missing values with missing values in factors or variates in the model to be included (by default these are excluded). Where this occurs, the factor or variate is taken to make no contribution to the fitted value for the unit concerned (see TERMS for more details).

The CONSTANT option indicates whether or not to fit a constant, and the FACTORIAL option specifies a limit (default 3) on the number of variates and factors in each term, as in the FIT directive. An offset can be supplied using the OFFSET option. The LINEARPREDICTOR option can supply initial values for linear predictor, and the MAXCYCLE option can set a limit (default 30) on the number of iterations. Printed output is controlled by the PRINT option, with the same settings as in the FIT directive.

After the fit, the RDISPLAY directive can be used to generate additional output, and the RKEEP directive can be used to save information, in the usual way.




RMGLM uses the calculated settings of the DISTRIBUTION and LINK options


Action with RESTRICT

You can restrict the units that Genstat will use for the fit by putting a restriction on the response variates, weight variate, offset variate, binomial totals, or any explanatory variate or factor. However, you must then supply the initial values for linear predictor (using the LINEARPREDICTOR option), as the default calculation requires use of RESTRICT.

See also

Procedures: GLM, HGANALYSE.

Commands for: Regression analysis.


CAPTION 'RMGLM example',\
        'Set 1: binomial distribution, probit link.'; STYLE=meta,plain
VARIATE Dose,N,R; VALUES=!(10.2, 7.7, 5.1, 3.8, 2.6),\ 
                         !(  50,  49,  46,  48,  50),\ 
                         !(  44,  42,  24,  16,   6)
CALC    Logdose = LOG10(Dose)
FIT     Logdose
CAPTION 'Set 2: gamma distribution, reciprocal link.'
VARIATE [VALUES=10.22,7.37,5.72,4.78,4.3,3.85,3.74,3.54,3.39] Conc50
&       [VALUES=0.5,0.75,1,1.5,2,3,4,6,8] Antiser
SCALAR  Offset; VALUE=0.52
CALC    U = 1/(Antiser+Offset)
MODEL   [DIST=gamma] Conc50
FIT     [PRINT=m,s,e,c,f] U
CAPTION 'Fit both simultaneously.'
CALC    N1,N2 = NVAL(R,Conc50)
FACTOR  [LEVELS=2; VALUES=#N1(1),#N2(2); REFERENCE=2] Dataset
        5,9 ; DISTRIBUTION=binomial,gamma; LINK=probit,reciprocal
Updated on March 5, 2019

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