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RYPARALLEL procedure

Fits the same regression model to several response variates, and collates the output (P. Brain, R.W. Payne & D.B. Baird).


PRINT = string tokens Controls printed output (model, summary); default * i.e. none
TERMS = formula Defines the regression model to fit on each variate
WEIGHTS = variate or symmetric matrix Weights for the regression; default 1
OFFSET = variate Offset; default * i.e. none
CONSTANT = string token How to treat the constant (estimate, omit); default esti
FACTORIAL = scalar Limit for expansion of model terms; default 3
FULL = string token Whether to assign all possible parameters to factors and interactions (yes, no); default no
POOL = string token Whether to pool the information on each term in the analysis of variance (yes, no); default no
RMETHOD = string token Type of residuals to form (deviance, Pearson, simple); default devi
SPREADSHEET = string tokens What results to save in a book of spreadsheets (aov, residuals, fittedvalues, estimates, se, testimates, prestimates); default * i.e. none


Y = variates or pointers Y-values for each set of analyses
RESIDUALS = matrices Saves residuals from each set of analyses
FITTEDVALUES = matrices Saves fitted values from each set of analyses
ESTIMATES = matrices Saves estimates from each set of analyses
SE = matrices Saves s.e.’s of estimates
TESTIMATES = matrices Saves t-statistics of estimates
PRESTIMATES = matrices Saves t-probabilities of estimates
DF = pointers Saves degrees of freedom for the model terms or variates in each analysis of variance
SS = pointers or variates Saves sums of squares for the model terms in each analysis of variance
MS = pointers or variates Saves mean squares for the model terms in each analysis of variance
RDF = variates Saves degrees of freedom from the “residual” lines in each analysis of variance
RSS = variates Saves sums of squares from the “residual” lines
RMS = variates Saves mean squares from the “residual” lines
TDF = variates Saves degrees of freedom from the “total” lines in each analysis of variance
TSS = variates Saves sums of squares from the “total” lines
TMS = variates Saves mean squares from the “total” lines
VR = pointers or variates Saves variance ratios for the model terms in each analysis of variance
PRVR = pointers or variates Saves probabilities of the variance ratios
OUTFILENAME = texts Name of Genstat workbook file (.gwb) or Excel (.xls or .xlsx) file to create


The RYPARALLEL procedure fits the same regression model (in “parallel”) to several response variates, combining and summarizing the information from all the analyses. The response variates are supplied in pointer, using the Y parameter of RYPARALLEL. The model for the regressions is specified by the TERMS, WEIGHTS, OFFSET, CONSTANT, FACTORIAL and FULL options, which operate exactly as in ordinary regression (see the MODEL, TERMS and FIT directives).

The RESIDUALS and FITTEDVALUES parameters allow you to save the residuals and fitted values from the regressions. These are defined as matrices, with a row for each y-variate, and a column for each unit. The RMETHOD option indicates what sort of residual to form, as in the other Genstat regression commands. By default, standardized residuals are formed, but you can set RMETHOD=simple to form simple residuals instead.

The ESTIMATES, SE, TESTESTIMATES and PRESTIMATES parameters save the estimates, standard errors, t-statistics and t-probabilities for the parameters in the regression model. These are defined as matrices, with a row for each y-variate, and a column for each parameter.

The DF, SS, MS, RDF, RSS, RMS, TDF, TSS, TMS, VR and PRVR parameters store information from the analysis of variance table. (DF, SS, MS, VR and PRVR are from the “regression” line, RDF, RSS and RMS are from the “residual” line, and TDF, TSS and TMS are from the “total” line.) With the default setting no of the POOL option each of these is a pointer containing a variate for each term in the TERMS formula. The variates each have a unit for every y-variate. Alternatively, if you set POOL=yes, the parameters each have a single variate, with the values pooled over the terms.

Printed output is controlled by the PRINT option, with settings:

    model for a description of the regression model, and
    summary for a summary of the significance levels found over the analyses for each parameter in the model.

The SPREADSHEET option lets you save the various output components in spreadsheets. You can save these in either a Genstat workbook (.gwb) or an Excel spreadsheet (.xls or .xlsx), by setting the OUTFILENAME option to the name of the file to create. If the name is specified without a suffix, '.gwb' is added (so that a Genstat workbook is saved). If OUTFILENAME is not specified, they are put into a spreadsheet opened inside Genstat.



The analyses are performed by the FIT directive and by matrix calculations.

Action with RESTRICT

Any restrictions on the y-variates will be removed.

See also

Commands for: Regression analysis.


SPLOAD     FILE='%gendir%/data/Water.gsh'
POINTER    [VALUES=Product,Water] yvars
RYPARALLEL [PRINT=model,summary; TERMS=Employ,Opdays,Temp] yvars;\
           ESTIMATES=estimates; TESTIMATES=tstatistic; PRESTIMATES=tprob;\
           SE=se; DF=dfp; SS=ssp; MS=msp; RDF=rdf; RSS=rss; RMS=rms;\
           TDF=tdf; TSS=tss; TMS=tms; VR=vrp; PRVR=prvrp
PRINT      [SERIAL=yes] estimates,se,tstatistic,tprob
PRINT      dfp[],ssp[],msp[],vrp[],prvrp[]
&          rdf,rss,rms,tdf,tss,tms
MODEL      Product,Water
FIT        [PRINT=summary,estimates,accumulated; FPROB=yes; TPROB=yes]\
Updated on September 3, 2019

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