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ANOVA % Variance and Sums of Squares

This dialog allows you to assess the % variance explained or % sums of squares accounted for in the strata of a general analysis of variance (using the A%VARIANCE procedure).


This controls what results from the analysis are displayed in the Output window:

% variance explained % variance explained in each stratum
% sums of squares accounted for % sums of squares accounted for in each stratum

Terms to take into account

This option controls which terms are included to explain the variation.

Treatments Only the treatment terms estimated in the stratum concerned are included when accounting for its variance and sum of squares.
Treatments and blocks Treatment terms and any block terms marginal the stratum are also included.


This lets you save results from the A%VARIANCE analysis in Genstat data structures. After selecting the appropriate boxes, you need to type the names for the identifiers of the data structures into the corresponding In: fields.

% variance explained Pointer A pointer containing a scalar for each stratum giving the % variance explained. The pointer is labelled by the names of the strata.
% sums of squares accounted for Pointer A pointer containing a scalar for each stratum giving the % sums of squares accounted for. The pointer is labelled by the names of the strata.

Display in spreadsheet

The saved results will be displayed in a new spreadsheet.

Action Icons

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Help Open the Help topic for this dialog.

See also

Updated on January 27, 2023

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