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Windrose – Options

Use this to set attributes to control the appearance of a Windrose diagram.

Graph title

Lets you enter a title for the graph. The title appears centred at the top of the graph.

Title position

You can position the title by selecting the Centre, Left or Right option.

Title font

This opens the Edit Font menu that lets you control the font for the title.

Width of sectors (degrees)

Specifies the width of sectors (in degrees) into which to group the angles (when specified as a variate) before plotting

Centre of sectors (degrees)

Defines the centre (in degrees) of the sectors


The data values are categorized by determining the number of observations within a set of intervals specified by this option. Select Lower boundaries to supply a variate (or a list of numbers) specifying the lower boundaries of the intervals, or alternatively, select Interval width to supply a value defining boundaries at multiples of the value.

Interval (on the percent scale) between circles

Specifies the interval (on the percent scale) between the circles drawn to provide a scale on the diagram

Display summary table in output

Select this to produce a table of information in the output of the directions by intervals

Edit all fonts as a list

Clicking this opens the Edit All Fonts as a List menu which allows all the fonts in the graph to be set in one place.

Action buttons

Run Produce the graph.
Cancel Close the dialog without further changes.
Defaults Reset  options to their default settings.

Action Icons

Pin Controls whether to keep the dialog open when you click Run. When the pin is down  the dialog will remain open, otherwise when the pin is up  the dialog will close.
Restore Restore names into edit fields and default settings.
Clear Clear all fields and list boxes.
Help Open the Help topic for this dialog.

See also

Updated on January 24, 2022

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