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Spatial statistics

Commands are available form forming variograms and for producing kriged estimates.

    FVARIOGRAM forms experimental variograms
    MVARIOGRAM fits models to an experimental variogram
    DVARIOGRAM plots fitted models to an experimental variogram
    KRIGE calculates kriged estimates using a model fitted to a sample variogram
    FCOVARIOGRAM forms a covariogram structure containing auto-variograms of individual variates and cross-variograms for pairs from a list of variates
    MCOVARIOGRAM fits models to sets of variograms and cross-variograms
    DCOVARIOGRAM plots 2-dimensional auto- and cross-variograms
    COKRIGE calculates kriged estimates using a model fitted to the sample variograms and cross-variograms of a set of variates
    KCROSSVALIDATION computes cross validation statistics for punctual kriging
    DHSCATTERGRAM plots an h-scattergram

Relevant procedures in the Library for spatial analyses include:

finds cells adjacent to other cells in a multi-dimensional array
    DKSTPLOT produces diagnostic plots for space-time clustering
    DPOLYGON draws polygons using high-resolution graphics
    DPTMAP draws maps for spatial point patterns using high-resolution graphics
    DPTREAD adds points interactively to a spatial point pattern
    DRPOLYGON reads a polygon interactively from the current graphics device
    DPSPECTRALPLOT calculates an estimate of the spectrum of a spatial point pattern
    FHAT calculates an estimate of the F nearest-neighbour distribution function
    FZERO gives the F function expectation under complete spatial randomness
    GHAT calculates an estimate of the G nearest-neighbour distribution function
    GRLABEL randomly labels two or more spatial point patterns
    GRTHIN randomly thins a spatial point pattern
    GRTORSHIFT performs a random toroidal shift on a spatial point pattern
    GRCSR generates completely spatially random points in a polygon
    KCSRENVELOPES simulates K function bounds under complete spatial randomness
    KHAT calculates an estimate of the K function
    KLABENVELOPES gives bounds for K function differences under random labelling
    KSED calculates s.e. for K function differences under random labelling
    KSTHAT calculates an estimate of the K function in space, time and space-time
    KSTMCTEST performs a Monte-Carlo test for space-time interaction
    KSTSE calculates the standard error for the space-time K function
    KTORENVELOPES gives bounds for the bivariate K function under independence
    K12HAT calculates an estimate of the bivariate K function
    MSEKERNEL2D estimates the mean square error for a kernel smoothing
NEIGHBOURS finds the neighbours of cells in a multi-dimensional array
    PTAREAPOLYGON calculates the area of a polygon
    PTBOX generates a box bounding or surrounding a spatial point pattern
    PTCLOSEPOLYGON closes open polygons
    PTDESCRIBE gives summary and second order statistics for a point process
    PTGRID generates a grid of points in a polygon
    PTINTENSITY calculates the overall density for a spatial point pattern
    PTKERNEL2D performs kernel smoothing of a spatial point pattern
    PTK3D performs kernel smoothing of space-time data
    PTREMOVE removes points interactively from a spatial point pattern
    PTROTATE rotates a point pattern
    PTSINPOLYGON returns points inside or outside a polygon
PTFCLUSTERS forms clusters of points from their densities in multi-dimensional space

fills holes within clusters of points in multi-dimensional space
Updated on February 7, 2023

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