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Bootstrap Resampling Options

Use this to select the output to be generated by bootstrap resampling of the given statistics, and options to be used in the resampling.


Specifies which items of output are to be displayed in the Output window or the Graphics window.

Estimates and confidence limits Estimates (means) and lower and upper confidence limits of each statistic.
Histograms of statistics A histogram of the bootstrap distribution of each statistic with the estimate and lower and upper confidence limits marked on the graph.

Seed for randomization

This gives a seed to initialize the random number generation used for resampling the data. Using zero initialises this from the computer’s clock, but specifying a nonzero value gives a repeatable analysis.

Type of bootstrapping to use

Random All samples will be drawn independently.
Balance The resampling is constrained to ensure that each unit of the data matrix occurs the same number of times in the complete set of generated samples.

Type of Confidence Limit

This controls the method used to calculate the confidence intervals.

Percentile The limits are constructed as percentiles of the empirical distribution of the bootstrap estimates.
Bias-corrected and accelerated The bias-corrected and accelerated limits of Efron & Tibshirani, 1993, Section 14.3 are used (see the BOOTSTRAP procedure help page for more details).

The Probability level of confidence limits lets you control the limit for the calculation of a confidence interval. The limit is expressed as a proportion and must be in the range 0-1.

Type of test

Lets you choose either a one- or two-sided t-test. A two-sided test tests for differences either side of 0, whereas a one-sided test tests whether the mean is greater than or less than the given mean.

See also

Updated on March 26, 2019

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