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DXYGRAPH procedure

Draws two-dimensional graphs with marginal distribution plots alongside the y- and x-axes (D.A. Murray).


YMETHOD = string token Distribution plot to display in the margin of the y-axis (histogram, rugplot, boxplot); default hist
XMETHOD = string token Distribution plot to display in the margin of the x-axis (histogram, rugplot, boxplot); default hist
YNGROUPS = scalar Defines the number of groups in a margin plot of a histogram of the Y variate; default is then 10, or the integer value nearest the square root of the number of values in the Y variate if that is smaller
XNGROUPS = scalar Defines the number of groups in a margin plot of a histogram of the X variate; default is then 10, or the integer value nearest the square root of the number of values in the X variate if that is smaller
YCOLOUR = scalar or text Colour to use for the Y margin plot
XCOLOUR = scalar or text Colour to use for the X margin plot


Y = variates or factors Vertical coordinates
X = variates or factors Horizontal coordinates
TITLE = texts General title for the plot; default *
WINDOW = scalars Window number for the graphs; default 1
KEYWINDOW = scalars Window number for the key (zero for no key); default 2
PEN = scalars, variates or factors Pen number for each graph; default * uses pens 1, 2, and so on for the successive graphs
SCREEN = string token Whether to clear the screen before plotting or to continue plotting on the old screen (clear, keep); default clea


The DXYGRAPH procedure draws high-resolution two-way plots with a distribution plot alongside the y- and the x-axis. The main part of the graph is an ordinary two-dimensional graph (e.g. a point or line plot), which is plotted by the DGRAPH directive in the usual way. The Y and X parameters supply the y- and x-coordinates of the items to be plotted, exactly as in DGRAPH, and the PEN parameter can specify graphics pens to define how the plotting is done. See DGRAPH for full details.

The YMETHOD option specifies the type of distribution plot to be displayed alongside the y-axis. By default this is a histogram. Alternatively, you can set YMETHOD=rugplot to produce a rug plot, or YMETHOD=boxplot to display a schematic boxplot. Similarly, the XMETHOD option controls the distribution plot displayed below the x-axis. By default the number of groups used to draw a marginal plot of a histogram is either 10, or the integer value nearest the square root of the number of values in the associated variate if that is smaller. Alternatively, you can specify the number of groups using the YNGROUPS and XNGROUPS for the Y and X marginal plots respectively. The YCOLOUR and XCOLOUR options can be used to specify the colours to be used for the margin plots.

The WINDOW parameter defines the window in which the graph is drawn (default 1), and the KEYWINDOW parameter specifies the window in which the key appears (default 2). You can set KEYWINDOW=0 to suppress the key. The TITLE parameter can be used to provide a title for the graph, and the SCREEN parameter controls whether the graphical display is cleared before the graph is plotted.



Action with RESTRICT

You can arrange to plot only a subset of the points specified by a particular pair of Y and X vectors and associated PEN vector, by restricting any one of them. If more than one of these is restricted, then they must all be restricted in exactly the same way.

See also



Commands for: Graphics.


CAPTION  'DXYGRAPH example','Sulphur polution data'; STYLE=meta,plain
SPLOAD   '%GENDIR%/data/sulphur.gsh'
DXYGRAPH Windsp; Sulphur
DXYGRAPH [XMETHOD=rugplot; YMETHOD=rugplot] Windsp; Sulphur;\
         PEN=Rain; WINDOW=5; KEY=8
DXYGRAPH [XMETHOD=histogram; YMETHOD=rugplot] Windsp; Sulphur;\
         PEN=Rain; WINDOW=6; KEY=0; SCREEN=keep
DXYGRAPH [XMETHOD=boxplot; YMETHOD=rugplot] Windsp; Sulphur;\
         PEN=Rain; WINDOW=7; KEY=0; SCREEN=keep
Updated on March 8, 2019

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