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Find in Factor Levels and Labels

Select menu: Spread | Factor | Edit Levels and Labels

The dialog lets you search for characters or words in the levels or labels in a factor column in a spreadsheet. You can match uppercase and lowercase letters and search forward or backward from the insertion point. You can also choose to match whole words only.

This dialog is opened by selecting Spread | Factor | Edit Levels and Labels then clicking the Find button in the Edit Factors Levels and Labels dialog.

Find what

The characters or word to look for.

Match whole word only

When selected the text must match a complete label or level.

Match case

When selected the search is case sensitive distinguishing between uppercase and lowercase characters.

Wrap at end of list

When selected, a search will continue from the start of the factor when it reaches the end of the levels or labels list.

Find in

The scope of the search for the next occurrence:

Levels Search within the levels of the factor.
Labels Search within the labels of the factor.


The direction to search for the next occurrence:

Up Search up towards the top of the list of levels or labels.
Down Search down towards the bottom of the list of levels or labels.

Action buttons

Find next Search for the next occurrence of the characters specified in the Find what field.
Cancel Close the dialog.


See also

Updated on March 18, 2019

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