The maximum number of sheets or pages in a Genstat book is a user defined limit up to 2000, which can be set on the Spreadsheet Options | Books tab. When the specified limit of pages is reached, Genstat will start adding subsequent pages to a new book.
The maximum number of columns in Excel is 16,384 for Excel 2007-2013 and 256 for prior versions. Genstat will not be able to save more than this number of columns to Excel. The maximum number of columns in a Genstat spreadsheet is a user defined limit up to 50,000, which can be set on the Spreadsheet Options | Sheets tab. Genstat will not read in more columns from Excel than the specified limit.
The maximum number of rows in Excel is 1,048,576 for Excel 2007-2013 and 65,535 for Excel 97-2003 and 16,384 for prior versions. Genstat will not be able to save more than this number of rows to Excel, depending on the file version being saved. The only limit to the number of rows in a Genstat spreadsheet is the amount of memory available on the computer.
The maximum factor label length in Genstat is 60 characters. Reading cells in a factor which contains text longer than this will result in the labels being truncated.
The maximum text length in a cell in Excel is 65,535, and in Genstat it is a user defined limit up to 10,000, which can be set on the Spreadsheet Options | Conversions tab. Any cells read from Excel that have text longer than the specified limit will be truncated.