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LRIDGE procedure

Does logistic ridge regression (A.I. Glaser).


PRINT = string token What output to print (correlation, crossvalidation, ridge, scaledridge, standarderrors); default corr
PLOT = string tokens What graphs to plot (correlation, ridgetrace, buildup); default * i.e. none
LINK = string token Link function (logit, probit, complementaryloglog); default logi
DISPERSION = scalar Value of the dispersion parameter; default 1
TERMS = formula Explanatory model
FACTORIAL = scalar Limit on number of factors/covariates in a model term; default 3
LAMBDA = variate or scalar Values for the ridge parameter lambda
CROSSVALIDATION = string token Whether to use cross-validation to find an optimal value of lambda (yes, no); default no
NCROSSVALIDATIONGROUPS = scalar Number of groups for cross-validation; default 10
CVMETHOD = string token Which method to use for cross-validation (deviance, squarederror, countingerror); default devi
SEED = scalar Seed for random numbers to use in cross-validation; default 0


Y = variates Response variate
NBINOMIAL = scalars or variates Number of binomial trials for each unit; default 1
YVALIDATION = variates Response variate for validation
XVALIDATION = pointers Explanatory variables for validation
XDATA = pointers Pointer containing the original explanatory variables in the same order as in XVALIDATION; default takes the variables in the order in which they occur in TERMS
NVALIDATION = variates or scalars Number of binomial trials for the units of each YVALIDATION variate; default 1
BESTLAMBDA = scalars Saves the optimal lambda value from cross-validation
CVSTATISTICS = matrices Saves the cross-validation statistics
RESIDUALS = variates Saves residuals when LAMBDA is a scalar
FITTEDVALUES = variates Saves fitted values when LAMBDA is a scalar
ESTIMATES = variates Saves parameter estimates when LAMBDA is a scalar
SE = variates Saves standard errors of the parameter estimates when LAMBDA is a scalar
DEVIANCE = scalars Saves the residual deviance when LAMBDA is a scalar
LINEARPREDICTOR = variates Saves the linear predictor when LAMBDA is a scalar


Procedure LRIDGE fits a logistic ridge regression model based on penalized likelihood inference, as explained in the Method section. The response variate is specified by the Y parameter. The NBINOMIAL parameter defines the number of binomial trials for each unit, with a default of one. If NBINOMIAL is greater then one, LRIDGE forms a modified copy of the data set in which each of the original observations is expanded into its underlying individuals (i.e. to have binary responses either one or zero).

The model to fit is defined by the TERMS option. The FACTORIAL option sets a limit on the number of variates and/or factors in the model terms generated from the TERMS model formula, as in the FIT directive. The LINK option defines the link function. This can be either logit (the default), probit or complementary-log-log. The DISPERSION option specifies the dispersion parameter in the usual way i.e. the default is to fix the parameter at one, or you can set DISPERSION=* to use a dispersion parameter estimated from the residual deviance.

Printed output is controlled by the PRINT option, with settings:

    correlation prints the correlations between the explanatory variables in the TERMS formula,
    crossvalidation prints the cross-validation results, with optimal lambda value,
    ridge prints the ridge coefficients on the original scale,
    scaledridge prints the ridge coefficients for the standardized data, and
    standarderrors includes standard errors with coefficients printed by the ridge or scaledridge settings.

Graphical output is controlled by the PLOT option:

    ridgetrace produces coefficient estimates against lambda, showing how they decrease as lambda increases,
    buildup plots coefficient values against the coefficients divided by their maximum values, showing the relative decrease as lambda increases, and
    correlation uses the DCORRELATION procedure to produce a graphical representation of the correlation matrix for elements in TERMS.

The LAMBDA option allows you to define the values to try for the ridge parameter lambda (see Method). By default LRIDGE takes a range of values between 0 and 1. If you have set LAMBDA to a single value, you can save results from the analysis using the RESIDUALS, FITTEDVALUES, ESTIMATES, DEVIANCE and LINEARPREDICTOR parameters. Note that the residuals are simple residuals, rather than standardized residuals.

LRIDGE can use cross-validation to find an optimal value of lambda. The YVALIDATION, XVALIDATION and NVALIDATION parameters allow you to supply an independent data set for validation. The YVALIDATION parameter specifies the response variate, the NVALIDATION parameter specifies the corresponding numbers of binomial trials (default 1), and the XVALIDATION supplies a pointer containing values for the explanatory variables. LRIDGE needs to match the validation explanatory variables with the original variables in TERMS. You can define the correspondence explicitly by setting the XDATA parameter to a pointer containing the original variables in the same order as the corresponding variables in the XVALIDATION pointer. If XDATA is not set, LRIDGE forms the original list using the CLASSIFICATION of the FCLASSIFICATION directive. The order of variables should easily be predictable for straightforward TERMS models, but it is safest to specify XDATA explicitly for complicated models.

If you do not have an independent data set, LRIDGE can do the validation by selecting subsets of the original data set. The NCROSSVALIDATIONGROUPS option defines the number of subsets (default 10). The data set (modified to contain binary responses, as explained above, if NBINOMIAL is greater than one) is divided into that number of roughly equal-sized subsets. The model is fitted to the data set with each of these parts removed, in turn, and the prediction error is calculated for the omitted subset based on that fit. The method for calculating the prediction error is specified by the CVMETHOD option:

    deviance uses the deviance function (defined as twice the difference between the maximum log-likelihood and that achieved under the validation data),
    squarederror takes the sum of the squared differences between the validation data and the expected values, and
    countingerror counts the number of “wrong” predictions in the validation data, i.e. if the value of the validation data was 1 and the expected probability was less than 0.5, the prediction would be considered to be wrong.

The calculation of the prediction error is repeated for every value of the LAMBDA option. The value that minimizes the mean prediction error is taken as the optimal lambda, and can be saved by the BESTLAMBDA parameter. (You could then use LRIDGE again, with LAMBDA set to that value, and use the parameters RESIDUALS, FITTEDVALUES etc. to save information from the optimal analysis.)




Logistic ridge regression is carried out as described by le Cessie & van Houwelingen (1992). The usual log-likelihood for logistic regression is extended to include a penalty on the sum of squares of the parameter estimates β, namely λ × √{∑β2}. When the ridge parameter, lambda, is equal to zero, the parameter estimates will be the usual maximum-likelihood estimates, whereas as lambda tends to infinity all of the parameters tend towards zero. The penalty term is applied by setting the RIDGE option of the TERMS directive. The columns of the design matrix in TERMS are standardized. However, estimated coefficients are available for both the standardized and unstandardized data.

Action with RESTRICT

There must be no restrictions.


le Cessie, S. & van Houwelingen, J.C. (1992). Ridge estimators in logistic regression. Applied Statistics, 41, 191-202.

See also

Procedures: RIDGE, RLASSO.

Commands for: Regression analysis.


CAPTION 'LRIDGE example'; STYLE=meta
" Data showing presence/absence of frogs in the Snowy Mountain area
  of New South Wales, Australia. See Maindonald & Braun (2007),
  Data Analysis and Graphics Using R, 2nd Edition."
SPLOAD  '%GENDIR%/Examples/LRID-1.gsh'
POINTER [VALUES=No_of_breeding_sites,altitude,average_rain,mean_max_temp,\
        mean_min_temp,log_No_of_pools,log_distance] xvars
" Try a range of LAMBDA values, and select best by cross-validation."
VARIATE [VALUES=0, 0.001, 0.002...0.01, 0.02, 0.03...0.1, 0.2, 0.3...1,\
        2...5] lambda
LRIDGE  [PRINT=correlation,SCAL,ST,ridge; PLOT=ridgetrace,buildup,correlation;\
        LAMBDA=lambda; CROSSVALIDATION=yes; SEED=237819; TERMS=xvars[]]\
        Y=Present; BEST=optlambda
PRINT   optlambda
LRIDGE  [PRINT=*; LAMBDA=optlambda; TERMS=xvars[]]\
        Y=Present; ESTIMATES=estimates; SE=se; FITTED=prob
PRINT   estimates,se
PRINT   Present,prob
Updated on June 19, 2019

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