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Meta Analysis Options

This dialog lets you specify output and options for meta analysis.


Specifies which items of output are to be displayed in the Output window.

Estimates The estimates from the individual trials and the combined estimates, with standard errors and confidence intervals
Overall test Overall tests using the combined estimates
Heterogeneity Test for heterogeneity of the estimates across trials
Monitoring Monitoring information from the estimation when using maximum likelihood, maximum REML likelihood or REML.


Specifies the plots to be displayed.

Confidence plot Plot of the individual and combined estimates, and their confidence intervals
Galbraith plot Plot of the standardized estimates against their precision i.e. the reciprocal of the standard error (also known as a radial plot)

Confidence limit (%)

Lets you control the confidence limit to use for the confidence intervals. The limit is expressed as a percentage and must be in the range 0-100.

Method for calculating random estimate confidence interval

Specifies how to calculate the confidence interval for a random estimate formed by either maximum likelihood or REML. You can select either Profile likelihood or Normal approximation.

Type of test for overall probability values

Controls the type of test to use for the overall probability values. You can select either Greater than, Less than or Two-sided.

Method to form combined estimates

The method to use to form the combined estimates formed assuming that the estimates are random.

Maximum likelihood Estimates the variance component of the random effects using maximum likelihood
Maximum REML likelihood Estimates the variance component of the random effects by maximizing the REML likelihood
Moments Estimates the variance component of the random effects using the method of moments
REML Estimates the variance component of the random effects using REML

The maximum REML likelihood setting is based on the same criterion as the REML setting, but it programs the maximization explicitly, in a FOR loop. It thus provides an alternative to use if the REML experiences convergence problems.

Maximum number of iterations

This specifies the maximum number of iterations to use with maximum likelihood and maximum REML likelihood (default 100).


Specifies the convergence criterion (default 10-6).

Action buttons

OK Save the option settings and close the dialog.
Cancel Close the dialog without making any changes.
Defaults Reset the options to their default settings.

Action Icons

Clear Clear all fields and list boxes.
Help Open the Help topic for this dialog.

See also

Updated on March 26, 2019

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