This menu controls how results from the Multiple Summary Tables menu are saved. The tables of results can be indexed in a pointer, or combined into a single table with either the summaries as a single extra margin or, if a factorial combination of variates by statistics is given, with two margins, one for variates and the other for statistics, or saved in a Genstat or Excel file.
Save tables in
This controls the name of the structure which will contain the results. The structure name is typed into the edit field below. Two types of structures can be used.
Pointer to tables | A pointer that will point to all the summary tables. The pointer will have labels that describe each variate-summary combination. |
Single combined table | One table that will contain all the summaries. The table contains 1 or 2 extra classifying factors to those chosen in the Classifying groups list, as specified in the Arrangement of combined table option below. |
Use 2 classifying factors to define the variate by summary combinations
If you choose the Single combined table option for the structure, you can then select how you want the summaries in the combined table arranged in the case where a full factorial arrangement of variates by summary statistics is given. If this item is selected, 2 extra classifying factors, Variate and Statistic, are added to index the results, and if not then just one extra classifying factor, Summary, is added to index the summaries. If the summary statistics includes a frequency count, then this option will be ignored.
Spreadsheet format
This controls the layout of the table displayed in a spreadsheet or saved in a file.
Page format | Each table is displayed on a single page in a separate spreadsheet. The last specified classifying factor indexes the columns in the spreadsheet. |
Parallel format | The tables occupy a single column but multiple tables can be put in a single spreadsheet. This is the default for a table with a single classifying factor. |
Tabbed format | Each table is displayed on a single page in a tabbed-table spreadsheet. The separate tables appear as tabs in the spreadsheet and manipulations on one table are propagated to all other tables in the book. If there is only a single table with three or more classifying factors being saved, then the table will be displayed as a tabbed-table with the first classifying factor’s groups indexing the tabs in the book. The factor across the tabs of the spreadsheet are selected from the Page factor dropdown list. |
Display in spreadsheet
Select this to display the results in a new spreadsheet window. The format of the spreadsheet can be controlled by the choices in the dropdown list.
Save in file
If this is selected and a file name provided in the edit box, then a file will be created containing the tabulation results. The file name must be supplied using either the extension .GWB to save within a Genstat workbook, .XLS to save within an Excel 97-2003 file or .XLSX to save within an Excel 2007-2013 file. The name of the file can be entered within the input field or the Browse button can be used to select a folder and file to save the data. If no folder is specified within the file name then the file will be saved within the current working directory.
Note if you are saving a file, but have not chosen to display it as a spreadsheet, it will be composed in the client window, saved and then closed, so you will see it briefly before it is closed.
Action Icons
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Clear | Clear all fields and list boxes. |
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Help | Open the Help topic for this dialog. |