Performs a genome-wide scan for QTL effects (Simple and Composite Interval Mapping) in single-environment trials (M.P. Boer, M. Malosetti, S.J. Welham & J.T.N.M. Thissen).
PRINT = string tokens |
What to print (summary , progress , model , components , effects , means , stratumvariances , monitoring , vcovariance , deviance , Waldtests , missingvalues , covariancemodels ); default summ |
PLOT = string token |
Whether to plot the profile along the genome (profile ); default prof |
POPULATIONTYPE = string token |
Type of population (BC1 , DH1 , F2 , RIL , BCxSy , CP ); must be set |
ALPHALEVEL = scalar |
Defines a genome-wide significance level to calculate the threshold; default 0.05 |
COFACTORS = variate |
Index numbers of loci to be used as cofactors for the genetic background |
COFWINDOW = scalar |
Specifies a window for cofactor exclusion from the model; default 106 which means that all cofactors on the same chromosomes are excluded |
THRMETHOD = string token |
Which method to use to calculate the threshold for QTL detection (bonferroni , liji , given ); default liji |
THRESHOLD = scalar |
Threshold value for test statistic when THRMETHOD=given |
DISTANCE = scalar |
Distance between loci when THRMETHOD=bonferroni ; default 4 |
FIXED = formula |
Formula with extra fixed terms |
UNITFACTOR = factor |
Saves the units factor required to define the random model when UNITERROR is to be used |
STATISTICTYPE = string token |
Which test statistic to plot and save using the STATISTICS parameter (wald , minlog10p ); default minl |
COLOURS = scalar, variate or text |
Colours to use for the chromosomes; default * uses the colours of pens 1, 2 up to the number of chromosomes |
TITLE = text |
General title for plot |
YTITLE = text |
Title for the y-axis; default uses the identifier of the STATISTICS variate or pointer |
XTITLE = text |
Title for the x-axis; default 'Chromosomes' |
MVINCLUDE = string tokens |
Whether to include units with missing values in the explanatory factors and variates and/or the y-variates (explanatory , yvariate ); default expl , yvar |
MAXCYCLE = scalar |
Limit on the number of iterations; default 100 |
WORKSPACE = scalar |
Number of blocks of internal memory to be set up for use by the REML algorithm; default 100 |
TRAIT = variates |
Quantitative trait to be analysed; must be set |
GENOTYPES = factors |
Genotype factor; must be set |
UNITERROR = variates |
Uncertainty on trait means (derived from individual unit or plot error) to be included in QTL analysis; default * i.e. omitted |
Additive genetic predictors; must be set |
ADD2PREDICTORS = pointers |
Second (paternal) set of additive genetic predictors |
Dominance genetic predictors |
CHROMOSOMES = factors |
Chromosomes corresponding to the genetic predictors; must be set |
POSITIONS = variates |
Positions on the chromosomes corresponding to the genetic predictors; must be set |
IDLOCI = texts |
Labels for the loci |
Labels for the genotypes corresponding to the genetic predictors |
IDEFFECTS = texts |
Labels for the effects along the y-axis, in the frame below the profile plot |
IDPARENTS = texts |
Labels to use to identify the parents |
QSTATISTICS = variates |
Saves test statistics for QTL effects along the genome |
QEFFECTS = pointers |
Saves QTL effects along the genome (additive effects,and, if specified, also second additive and dominance effects) |
QSE = pointers |
Saves standard errors of the QTL effects |
Name of the Genstat workbook file (*.gwb ) to be created |
DFILENAME = texts |
Name of the graphs file for the plots |
performs a genome-wide QTL scan in single-environment trials. It uses single observation per genotype as phenotypic data. The response variable must be specified by the TRAIT
parameter, and the genotypes by the GENOTYPES
option must be set to specify the population type.
Molecular information must be provided in the form of additive genetic predictors stored in variates and supplied, in a pointer, by the ADDITIVEPREDICTORS
parameter. Non-additive effects can be included in the model by using the DOMINANCEPREDICTORS
parameter to specify dominance genetic predictors (e.g. in a F2 population); again they are stored in variates and supplied in a pointer. In the case of segregating F1 populations (outbreeders) two sets of additive genetic predictors must be specified: the maternal ones by the ADDITIVEPREDICTORS
parameter, and the paternal ones by the ADD2PREDICTORS
parameter. The corresponding map information for the genetic predictors must be given by the CHROMOSOMES
parameters. The labels for the loci can be supplied by the IDLOCI
parameter, and the labels for the genotypes in the marker data can be supplied by the IDMGENOTYPES
parameter. If IDMGENOTYPES
is set, the match between the genotypes in the phenotypic and in the marker data will be checked.
The QTL detection model assumes genotypes as random and QTLs as fixed effects. Extra fixed effects can be specified using the FIXED
option. The QTL search can be performed without cofactors (Simple Interval Mapping) or with cofactors that control for genetic background effects (Composite Interval Mapping). For Composite Interval Mapping, the COFACTORS
option must specify a variate containing the index numbers of the loci designated as cofactors. The COFWINDOW
option defines a window around a tested position within which cofactors are temporarily excluded from the model.
options operate in the same way as these options of the REML
directive. The UNITERROR
parameter allows uncertainty on the trait means (derived from individual unit or plot error) to be specified to include in the random model; by default this is omitted. The UNITFACTOR
option allows the factor that is needed to define the unit-error term to be saved (this would be needed, for example, to save information later about the term using VKEEP
The method to define the threshold value is defined by the THRMETHOD
option and uses a genome-wide error rate defined by the option ALPHALEVEL
(default 0.05). If THRMETHOD=given
, a user-defined threshold value must be specified using the THRESHOLD
option. If THRMETHOD=bonferroni
, an effective number of tests is calculated using the value specified by the DISTANCE
option as the step size (default 4). Alternatively the liji
setting uses the method described by Li & Ji (2005). See procedure QTHRESHOLD
for details.
option specifies the output to be displayed. The summary
setting prints the information about the QTLs retained in the model, and the progress
setting shows how the scan is progressing. The other settings correspond to those in the PRINT
option of the REML
By default QSQTLSCAN
plots the test statistic associated with the effects of the genetic predictors against their position on the chromosomes, but you can set option PLOT=*
to suppress this. The STATISTICTYPE
option specifies what to plot along the y-axis of the upper plot, either the test statistic or the associated probability value (on a -log10 scale), and also defines what is saved in the variates specified by the QSTATISTICS
parameter. The IDEFFECTS
parameter can be used to label the effects, and the IDPARENTS
parameter can supply labels to identify the parents.
The corresponding effects of each genetic predictor and their standard errors can be saved by the QEFFECTS
and QSE
parameters, respectively. These are saved in pointers that contain a single variate if only the ADDITIVEPREDICTORS
parameter is specified, or two or three variates if the DOMINANCEPREDICTORS
parameters are also specified. The TITLE
options can specify the general title of the graph, the title of the y-axis and the title of the x-axis, respectively. The colours to use for the chromosomes in the upper graph are specified by the COLOURS
option using either a text of colour names or a variate of RGB values (see the PEN
directive for details). If COLOURS
is not set, the default is to use the default colours of the pens 1, 2, onwards, up to the number of chromosomes. By default, the plot is sent to the screen. However, you can supply a file for the plot, using the DFILENAME
parameter. You can discover the types of graphics file that are supported by running the command.
parameter can be used to write the QSTATISTICS
and QSE
structures to a Genstat work book file in a sheet named STATISTICS
. This parameter should not contain an extension as the extension is defined automatically given as .gwb
Options: PRINT
Parameters: TRAIT
fits the following mixed models repeatedly along the genome:
1) yi = μ + Σf∈F xif cf + xi αlj + Gi
are specified
2) yi = μ + Σf∈F ( xifadd cfadd + xifdom cfdom ) + ( xiadd αadd + xidom αdom ) + Gi
are also specified
3) yi = μ + Σl∈L ( xifadd cladd + xifadd2 cladd2 + xifdom cldom )
+ ( xiadd αadd + xiadd2 αadd2 + xidom αdom ) + Gi
are specified (for population type CP
where yi is the trait value of individual i, F is a set of cofactors (if cofactors are included in the model), and xifadd and xiadd are the additive genetic predictors of genotype i at the cofactor positions and at the tested position, respectively. The associated effects are denoted by ciadd and αadd for cofactors and tested position respectively. In model 2 and 3, xifdom and xidom are dominance genetic predictors of genotype i at the cofactor positions and at the tested position, respectively, with associated effects cfdom, and αdom. In model 3, xifadd and xiadd are the additive genetic predictors for the maternal genotype, for cofactors and tested position, respectively, and xifadd2 and xiadd2 are the equivalent additive genetic predictors for the paternal genotype. Finally xifdom and xidom are the dominance genetic predictors for the cofactors and tested position, respectively. The associated effects are given by cfadd, cfadd2 and cfdom for cofactors, and αadd, αadd2 and αdom for tested positions. Genetic predictors are genotypic covariables that reflect the genotypic composition of a genotype at a specific chromosome location (Lynch & Walsh 1998). The residual unexplained genetic and environmental effects are modelled by the Gi term, which is assumed to follow a Normal distribution with mean 0 and variance σ2.
The procedure uses the REML
directive iteratively to fit the model at each chromosome position, storing the Wald statistic for hypothesis testing. The resulting Wald statistic or the associated probability value (on a -log10 scale) can be plotted to produce the well-known profile plots used for interpretation.
Action with RESTRICT
Restrictions are not allowed.
Lynch, M. & Walsh, B. (1998). Genetics and Analysis of Quantitative Traits. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.
See also
Commands for: Statistical genetics and QTL estimation.
CAPTION 'QSQTLSCAN example'; STYLE=meta SPLOAD [PRINT=*] '%GENDIR%/Examples/F2maize_traits.gsh' & '%GENDIR%/Examples/F2maizemarkers.GWB'; SHEET='LOCI' & '%GENDIR%/Examples/F2maizemarkers.GWB'; SHEET='ADDPREDICTORS' & '%GENDIR%/Examples/F2maizemarkers.GWB'; SHEET='DOMPREDICTORS' " create single environment " SUBSET [E.EQ.6] G,yld POINTER [MODIFY=yes; NVALUES=idlocus] addpred POINTER [MODIFY=yes; NVALUES=idlocus] dompred QSQTLSCAN [PRINT=summary; POPULATIONTYPE=F2; THRMETHOD=liji;\ STATISTICTYPE=minlog; THRESHOLD=thres; TITLE='yld Wald 2 d.f.']\ TRAIT=yld; GENOTYPES=G; CHROMOSOMES=mkchr;\ POSITIONS=mkpos; IDLOCI=idlocus;\ ADDITIVEPREDICTORS=addpred; DOMINANCEPREDICTORS=dompred;\ QSTATISTICS=minlog10p; QEFFECTS=qeff2; QSE=qse2;\ OUTFILENAME='F2maize_single_out'