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Statistical genetics and QTL estimation

Genstat has a suite of procedures for statistical genetics. Several of these make use of Genstat’s REML facilities to estimate QTLs from single environment, multi-environment and multi-trait trials.

    DQMAP displays a genetic map
    DQMKSCORES plots a grid of marker scores for genotypes and indicates missing data
    DQMQTLSCAN plots the results of a genome-wide scan for QTL effects in multi-environment trials
    DQRECOMBINATIONS plots a matrix of recombination frequencies between markers
    DQSQTLSCAN plots the results of a genome-wide scan for QTL effects in single-environment trials
    GPREDICTION produces genomic predictions (breeding values) using phenotypic and molecular marker information
    QBESTGENOTYPES sorts individuals of a segregating population by their genetic similarity with a target genotype, using the identity by descent (IBD) information at QTL positions
    QCANDIDATES selects QTLs on the basis of a test statistic profile along the genome
    QDESCRIBE prints summary statistics of genotypes
    QEIGENANALYSIS uses principal components analysis and the Tracy-Widom statistic to find the number of significant principal components to represent a set of variables
    QEXPORT exports genotypic data for QTL analysis
    QFLAPJACK creates a Flapjack project file from genotypic and phenotypic data
    QGSELECT obtains a representative selection of genotypes by means of genetic distance sampling or genetic distance optimization
    QIBDPROBABILITIES reads molecular marker data and calculates IBD probabilities
    QIMPORT imports genotypic and phenotypic data for QTL analysis
    QKINSHIPMATRIX forms a kinship matrix from molecular markers
    QLDDECAY estimates linkage disequilibrium (LD) decay along a chromosome
    QLINKAGEGROUPS forms linkage groups using marker data from experimental populations
    QMAP constructs genetic linkage maps using marker data from experimental populations
    QMASSOCIATION performs multi-environment marker-trait association analysis in a genetically diverse population using bi-allelic and multi-allelic markers
    QMATCH matches different data structures to be used in QTL estimation
    QMBACKSELECT performs a QTL backward selection for loci in multi-environment trials or multiple populations
    QMESTIMATE calculates QTL effects in multi-environment trials or multiple populations
    QMKDIAGNOSTICS generates descriptive statistics and diagnostic plots of molecular marker data
    QMKRECODE recodes marker scores into separate alleles
    QMKSELECT obtains a representative selection of markers by means of genetic distance sampling or genetic distance optimization
    QMQTLSCAN performs a genome-wide scan for QTL effects (Simple and Composite Mapping) in multi-environment trials or multiple populations
    QMTBACKSELECT performs a QTL backward selection for loci in multi-trait trials
    QMTESTIMATE calculates QTL effects in multi-trait trials
    QMTQTLSCAN performs a genome-wide scan for QTL effects (Simple and Composite Interval Mapping) in multi-trait trials
    QMVAF calculates percentage variance accounted for by QTL effects in a multi-environment analysis
    QMVESTIMATE replaces missing molecular marker scores using conditional genotypic probabilities
    QMVREPLACE replaces missing marker scores with the mode scores of the most similar genotypes
    QRECOMBINATIONS calculates the expected numbers of recombinations and the recombination frequencies between markers
    QREPORT creates an HTML report from QTL linkage or association analysis results
    QSASSOCIATION performs marker-trait association analysis in a genetically diverse population using bi-allelic and multi-allelic markers
    QSBACKSELECT performs a backward selection for loci in single-environment trials
    QSELECTIONINDEX calculates (molecular) selection indexes by using phenotypic information and/or molecular scores of multiple traits
    QSESTIMATE calculates QTL effects in single-environment trials
    QSIMULATE simulates marker data and QTL effects for single and multiple environment trials
    QSQTLSCAN performs a genome-wide scan for QTL effects (Simple and Composite Mapping) in single-environment trials
    QTHRESHOLD calculates a threshold to identify a significant QTL
    VGESELECT selects the best variance-covariance model for a set of environments
Updated on May 20, 2019

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