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  2. Rainfall Analysis Options

Rainfall Analysis Options

Use this to select the output and graphs to be generated by a rainfall analysis.


Counts A table of counts for each day in the year by each Markov state
Amounts A table of the mean rainfall amounts for each day in the year by each wet Markov state
Probabilities A table of the rainfall probabilities for each day in the year by each wet Markov state
Model Details of the model fitted
Deviance The deviance of the fitted model
Summary Summary analysis-of-variance
Estimates Estimates of the parameters in the model
Correlations Correlations between the parameter estimates
Fitted values Table containing the values of the response variate, the fitted values, standardized residuals and leverages
Accumulated Analysis of deviance table containing a line for each harmonic term in the fitted model
Monitoring Monitoring information from the fitting process


Selecting these options will produce graphs of the observed rainfall probabilites and the fitted models for rainfall probabilities and mean amounts. The title and window for each graph can be specified in the Title and Window for plot fields respectively.

Observed probabilities A graph of the observed probabilities of rainfall plotted against day in the year for each wet Markov state
Fitted probabilities A graph of the fitted probabilities of rainfall plotted against day in the year for each wet Markov state
Fitted amounts A graph of the fitted mean rainfall plotted against day in the year for each wet Markov state

Note: the observed rainfall probabilities are the number of wet days divided by the total days observed for a given calendar date, so if in a 40 year record it had rained 10 times on the 23 February, then its rainfall probability would be 10/40 = 0.25.

Action buttons

OK Save the settings and close the dialog.
Cancel Close the dialog without further changes.
Defaults Reset the options to their default settings.

See also

Updated on April 1, 2022

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