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VASKEEP procedure

Copies information from an analysis by VASERIES into Genstat data structures (R.W. Payne).


EXPERIMENT = scalar or text Specifies the experiment, from the series, whose output is to be saved; no default, must be set
FACTORIAL = scalar Limit on the number of factors or covariates in the terms generated from the TERMS parameter; default 3
RESIDUALS = variate Residuals from the analysis
FITTEDVALUES = variate Fitted values from the analysis
DEVIANCE = scalar Residual deviance from fitting the full fixed model
DF = scalar Residual degrees of freedom after fitting the full fixed model
AIC = scalar Saves the Akaike information coefficient
SIC = scalar Saves the Schwarz (Bayesian) information coefficient
RMETHOD = string token Which random terms to use when calculating RESIDUALS (final, all); default fina
FMETHOD = string token Controls how to calculate F-statistics for fixed terms (automatic, none, algebraic, numerical); default auto
WMETHOD = string token Controls which Wald statistics are saved (add, drop); default drop
MODELDEFINITIONS = pointer Definitions of the models used by VASERIES
SAVE = pointer REML save structures from the VASERIES analysis


TERMS = formula Terms for which information is to be saved
COMPONENTS = scalars Estimated variance components
MEANS = tables Table of predicted means for each term
SEDMEANS = symmetric matrices Standard errors of differences between the predicted means
VARMEANS = symmetric matrices Variance-covariance matrix of the means
EFFECTS = tables Table of estimated regression coefficients for each term
SEDEFFECTS = symmetric matrices Standard errors of differences between the estimated parameters of each term
VAREFFECTS = symmetric matrices Variance-covariance matrix of the effects of a term
WALD = scalars Wald statistic (fixed terms only)
FSTATISTIC = scalars F statistics (fixed terms only)
NDF = scalars Numerator d.f. (fixed terms only)
DDF = scalars Denominator d.f. (fixed terms only)


VASKEEP copies results from the analysis of a series of experiments, analysed by VASERIES, into Genstat data structures. The model definitions and REML save structures from the analysis can be specified by the MODELDEFINITIONS and SAVE options. If either of these is not specified, the output is taken from the most recent VASERIES analysis.

The EXPERIMENT option specifies the experiment from the series, whose output is to be saved. This can be set to a scalar, or to a single-valued text if the experiments factor has labels.

VASKEEP caters for only the most commonly required types of output, as most of the output can be saved by VKEEP in the usual way: the SAVE parameter of VASERIES saves a pointer of REML save structures, one for each experiment in their order in the levels of the experiments factor. However, VASKEEP has the advantage that it takes account of the additional complication that, to analyse each experiment, VASERIES uses subset factors and variates containing only the data from that experiment. So, VASKEEP automatically makes the conversion from these subset vectors to those in the full data set. The variates of residuals and fitted values will thus have the same number of units as the original y-variate, with missing values in the units belonging to the other experiments. Similarly the tables of means and effects will have values for all levels of relevant factors, with missing values for those that were absent in the current experiment. An exception, though, is that the symmetric matrices of standard errors of differences or variances will have units only for comparisons between means or effects for levels of factors that actually occurred in the experiment.

Options RESIDUALS, FITTEDVALUES, DEVIANCE, DF, RMETHOD, FMETHOD, WMETHOD, and parameters TERMS, COMPONENTS, MEANS, SEDMEANS, VARMEANS, EFFECTS, SEDEFFECTS, VAREFFECTS, WALD, FSTATISTIC, NDF, DDF operate as in VKEEP In addition. there is a FACTORIAL option to set a limit on the number of factors or covariates in the terms generated from the TERMS parameter (default 3). There are also options AIC, SIC to save the Akaike and Schwarz (Bayesian) information coefficients, respectively.



See also

Directives: REML, VKEEP.
Commands for: REML analysis of linear mixed models.


CAPTION  'VASKEEP example'; STYLE=meta
SPLOAD   '%gendir%/examples/Vaseries.gsh'
VASERIES [PRINT=best,deviance,aic,bic,sic,dfrandom,summary;\
         PBEST=model,components,wald; FIXED=entry; EXPERIMENTS=site;\
         ROWS=row; COLUMNS=column; BLOCKS=block; MVINCLUDE=yvariate;\
         TRYSPATIAL=ifregular; TRYTRENDS=yes; RSTRATEGY=fastoptimal;\
         VCONSTRAINTS=positive] yield; MODELDEFINITIONS=modeldefs; SAVE=save
VASKEEP  [EXPERIMENT='G'; AIC=aic; SIC=sic] entry;\
         WALD=wald; FSTATISTIC=fstat; NDF=ndf; DDF=ddf
PRINT    aic,sic
&        wald,fstat,ndf,ddf
Updated on October 28, 2020

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