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  2. Principal Components Clustering Store Options

Principal Components Clustering Store Options

This menu allows results to be saved from a Principal Components Clustering analysis. For each box that is selected, the corresponding In: field must be completed by entering the identifier of the data structure in which the results are to be stored.


Roots and vectors for components lrv Roots and vectors of loadings for the first n principal components
Principal component scores Matrix Principal component scores for the first n principal components
Cluster membership variates Pointer A pointer containing variates with details of the clusters of units formed at each Minimum number of units value. The clusters have integer numbers, from one upwards. The variates contain either cluster numbers, or missing values for units in cells that have not been allocated to any cluster
Clusters of cells tables Pointer A pointer containing tables with details of the clusters of cells formed at each Minimum number of units value. The tables contain either a cluster number, or a missing value for cells that have not been allocated to any cluster
Table of cell densities Table Save the table containing the number of units within each cell
Summary table Pointer Saves summary table, in a pointer with elements labelled ‘Min. no. points’, ‘No. clusters’, ‘Mean inside clusters’, ‘Mean outside clusters’, ‘Mean on boundary’, ‘Mean outside boundary’, ‘Min. on boundary’ and ‘Max. outside boundary’

Display in spreadsheet

The saved results will be displayed within a new spreadsheet. Note, an LRV structure will have its component parts displayed in three separate spreadsheets.

Action Icons

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Help Open the Help topic for this dialog.

See also

Updated on February 16, 2023

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