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Finlay & Wilkinson joint regression analysis Save Options

Use this to save results from a Finlay & Wilkinson joint regression analysis in Genstat data structures.

  1. After selecting the appropriate boxes, type the names for the identifiers of the data structures into the corresponding In: fields.


Sensitivities Table The estimates of sensitivities for each genotype
Genotype means Table The estimates of genotype means
Environment means Table The estimates of environment means
Environment effects Table The estimates of environment effects
Standard errors of sensitivities Table The standard errors of the sensitivities
Standard errors of genotype means Table The standard errors of genotype means
Standard errors of environment effects Table The standard errors of environment effects
Mean square deviations Table The mean square deviations about the line fitted to each genotype
Fitted values Variate The fitted values from the model
Residuals Variate The residuals from the model
Deviance Scalar The residual degrees of freedom from the fitted model
Residual degrees of freedom Scalar The residual degrees of freedom from the model
Exit code Scalar The exit status: set to 0 if the analysis converged, 1 otherwise

Display in spreadsheet

The saved results will be displayed within new spreadsheet windows, grouped by tables (one for genotypes and one for environments), variates and scalars.

See also

Updated on June 13, 2019

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