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  2. Kernel Density Estimation Save Options

Kernel Density Estimation Save Options

This dialog specifies save structures for the Kernel Density Estimation menu.

  1. Select the boxes then type the names for the data structures into the corresponding In: fields.

Kernel density estimate

The name of a variate that will save the kernel density estimate.

Grid points

The name of a variate that will save the grid of equidistant points at which the kernel density is calculated.

Estimated cumulative distribution

The name of a variate that will save the estimated cumulative distribution.


The name of a variate that will save the quantiles calculated from the estimated cumulative distribution.


The name of a variate that will save the automatically selected bandwidths as specified by the METHOD option.

Display in spreadsheet

Selecting this will display the saved structures in spreadsheets.

Action Icons

Clear Clear all fields and list boxes.
Help Open the Help topic for this dialog.

See also

Updated on March 26, 2019

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