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Display Procedure Libraries

Use this to view the contents of currently attached procedure libraries. Procedure libraries provide extra facilities beyond those supplied with Genstat.

  1. From the menu select Tools | Procedure Libraries | Display.

Genstat procedures consist of a self-contained piece of program code along with options and parameters that provide control over the procedure and allow data to be passed in and out. A procedure library is a file containing one or more Genstat procedures. Procedure libraries can be automatically attached making its procedures available as additional commands that you can use by submitting programs to the server using the Run menu.

User procedures

This field lists the user procedures and contents of the procedure libraries that are currently attached to Genstat. The list contains a folder for each attached procedure library and you can view the contents folder by double-clicking on the folder. User procedures that have been included within the current session are contained within the User folder on the main menu (if Genstat has any add-ins attached then a new menu item called User will appear on the main menu).

See also

Updated on May 16, 2019

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