Exponential (or asymptotic regression)
Y = a + brX ( Y = a + b * r**X )
(This is the same as another common form of the equation: Y = a + be-kx, with k= -loger).
Double exponential (different rates)
Y = a + brX + csX ( Y = a + b * r**X + c * s**X )
Line plus exponential (addition of linear trend)
Y = a + brX + cX ( Y = a + b * r**X + c * X )
A limiting case of the double exponential – an exponential curve with non-horizontal asymptote.
Critical exponential
Y = a + (b + cX)rX ( Y = a + (b + c * X) * r**X )
Another limiting case of the double exponential.
Direction of response
For exponential curves the direction of response can be selected. This determines whether the asymptote is to the left or right. The effect of direction on the parameters of the curves is as follows. Exponential, Line plus exponential and Critical exponential: direction right gives r 1.0. Double exponential: direction right gives r,s 1.0.
See also
- Examples of Standard Nonlinear Curves
- Standard Curves for information on general options and other curves
- Options for choosing which results to display
- Further Output for additional output subsequent to analysis
- Standard Curves with Correlated Errors for fitting curves with correlated errors
- Saving Results for further analysis
- Model Checking for diagnostic plots for model checking
- Fourier Curves
- Gaussian Curves
- Growth Curves
- Rational Curves
- Nonlinear Models menu
- Nonlinear Quantile Regression menu
- FITCURVE directive
- FITNONLINEAR directive
- FIT directive
- RQNONLINEAR procedure
- MINIMIZE procedure
- SIMPLEX procedure