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Standard Curve Options

Select the output to be generated initially in a non-linear regression analysis – the same information can also be displayed after the analysis, using the Further output dialog. You can also request that no constant term is included in the model: this will affect only the parameterization of factor effects, if there are factors in the model; but if not, it will constrain the regression to pass through the origin.


Model Details of the model that is fitted
Summary Summary analysis-of-variance
F-probabilities F probabilities for variance ratios
Correlations Correlations between the parameter estimates
Estimates Estimates of the parameters in the model
Fitted values Table containing the values of the response variate, the fitted values, standardized residuals and leverages
Accumulated Analysis of variance table containing a line for each change in the fitted model

Estimate constant term

Specifies whether to include a constant in the regression model. In simple linear regression this omits the intercept, in other words the fitted line is constrained to pass through the origin. In nonlinear regression (curve fitting) the constant term usually represents an asymptote, and omitting the constant fixes the asymptote at 0; to constrain the curve to pass through the origin you should refer to the next section.

Constrain origin

Constrains a nonlinear regression to pass through the origin, i.e. to have a response of 0 for zero in the explanatory variate. This can only be used with exponential and rational curves.


Lets you generate default plots when you run a regression analysis. Plot residuals will produce diagnostic plots of the residuals, and Plot fitted model will generate a graph of the fitted model as a curve with the observed data as points.

See also

Updated on March 27, 2019

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