Child Viewer Menu Commands

This details the menu commands available for the Graphics Child Viewer.

File Menu Commands

Save Saves the displayed graph into a Genstat metafile (GMF). If the graph has not previously been saved this command will invoke Save As instead.
Save As… Saves the displayed graph into a file, after prompting for the file name. By default, graphs are saved in Genstat metafile format (GMF).
For export to other software, you can save graphs in other formats, including Windows bitmap (BMP), Enhanced Windows Metafile (EMF), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), Portable Network Graphics (PNG), TIFF, and JPEG.
Graphs can also be saved in Portable Document Format (PDF) if Ghostscript is installed on your system. Ghostscript is available from

Edit Menu Commands

Copy Copies the contents of the graphics window onto the Clipboard so that it can be pasted into other applications.
Copy Data Information Copies the information for the currently selected points when in display data information mode.
Clear Data Selection Clears the currently selected points when in display data information mode.

View Menu Commands

Main Title Controls the display of the main or overall title.
Standard Toolbar Switches the Standard Windows Toolbar on or off.
Graphics Toolbar Switches the Graphics Toolbar on or off.
Zoom Toolbar Switches the Zoom Toolbar on or off.
Status Bar Switches the Status Bar on or off.

Tools Menu Commands

Return To Home Position Returns the graph to its home position (the initial position if not reset).
Set As Home Position Sets the current view as the home position for the displayed graph.
Show All Sets the view so that the entire graphical space is visible. This may include blank space around the graph if a Genstat FRAME statement was used to specify a window occupying less than the full [0,1]x[0,1] square.
Data Information Mode Lets you investigate points within a graph. When selected the cursor changes to . You can then display information for any point or line within the graph by moving the cursor onto the point or line of interest. You can toggle the cursor to the data information mode by clicking the toolbar button.
You can copy data information to the clipboard by clicking the points then selecting Edit | Copy Data Information or by clicking the toolbar button. Each point that is selected will be highlighted in a different colour. Clicking on a point a second time will remove it from the selection. You can deselect all points by selecting Edit | Clear Data Selection or by clicking the toolbar button.
Hot Choice Mode Lets you toggle visibility of ‘hot’ components in a plot. The cursor will change to and you can then choose plotted points that have been defined as ‘hot’ to display/hide the associated ‘hot’ components.
Options Opens the options property sheet to allow customization of various aspects of the graphical display. See under the following sub-headings for further details:Workspace, Saving files, Fonts, Data information, Advanced settings

Window Menu Commands

Refresh Redisplays the current graph.

See also

Updated on May 2, 2019

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