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Graphics Environment – Axis

Use this to control aspects of axes such as fonts and colours for titles and labels within a graphics environment.

Axis title

These options control the font and colour of the titles for the axes.

Font Provides a list of fonts that can be used for the titles. The fonts available can be set on the Graphics tab of the Tools | Options menu.
Colour Provides a list of colours that can be used for the title text.
Size Specifies the size for the text. The value entered represents a multiple of the default font size.

Colour of axis

Provides a list of colours that can be used to draw each axis.

Line styles

Provides a list of lines styles that can be used to draw each axis.


Specifies the thickness of each axis. The default size for line thickness is 1.

Axis labels

These options control the font and colour of the labels for the axes.

Font Provides a list of fonts that can be used for the labels. Additional fonts are available in the Graphics Viewer and can be accessed by selecting the Default font item from the list.
Colour Provides a list of colours that can be used for the label text.
Size Specifies the size for the text. The value entered represents a multiple of the default font size.

See also

Updated on May 1, 2019

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