List of directives

ADD adds extra terms to a linear, generalized linear, generalized additive, or nonlinear model.
ADDPOINTS adds points for new objects to a principal coordinates analysis.
ADISPLAY displays further output from analyses produced by ANOVA.
AFMINABERRATION forms minimum aberration factorial or fractional-factorial designs.
AFRESPONSESURFACE uses the BLKL algorithm to construct designs for estimating response surfaces.
AGRCRESOLVABLE forms doubly resolvable row-column designs.
AKEEP copies information from an ANOVA analysis into Genstat data structures.
ANOVA analyses y-variates by analysis of variance according to the model defined by earlier BLOCKSTRUCTURE, COVARIATE, and TREATMENTSTRUCTURE statements.
ASRULES derives association rules from transaction data.
ASSIGN sets elements of pointers and dummies.
AXES defines the axes in each window for high-resolution graphics.
AXIS defines an oblique axis for high-resolution graphics.
BARCHART plots bar charts in high-resolution graphics.
BASSESS assesses potential splits for regression and classification trees.
BCUT cuts a tree at a defined node, discarding nodes and information below it.
BGROW adds new branches to a node of a tree.
BIDENTIFY identifies specimens using a tree.
BJOIN extends a tree by joining another tree to a terminal node.
BLOCKSTRUCTURE defines the blocking structure of the design and hence the strata and the error terms.
BREAK suspends execution of the statements in the current channel or control structure and takes subsequent statements from the channel specified.
CALCULATE calculates numerical values for data structures.
CALLS lists library procedures called by a procedure.
CAPTION prints captions in standardized formats.
CASE introduces a “multiple-selection” control structure.
CATALOGUE displays the contents of a backing-store file.
CLOSE closes files.
CLUSTER forms a non-hierarchical classification.
COKRIGE calculates kriged estimates using a model fitted to the sample variograms and cross-variograms of a set of variates.
COLOUR defines the red, green and blue intensities to be used for the Genstat colours with certain graphics devices.
COMBINE combines or omits “slices” of a multi-way data structure (table, matrix, or variate).
COMMANDINFORMATION provides information about whether (and how) a command has been implemented.
CONCATENATE concatenates and truncates lines (units) of text structures; allows the case of letters to be changed.
CONTOUR is a synonym for LPCONTOUR.
COPY forms a transcript of a job.
CORRELATE forms correlations between variates, autocorrelations of variates, and lagged cross-correlations between variates.
COUNTER increments a multi-digit counter using non base-10 arithmetic.
COVARIATE specifies covariates for use in subsequent ANOVA statements.
CVA performs canonical variates analysis.
DBITMAP plots a bit map of RGB colours.
DCLEAR clears a graphics screen.
DCLOSE closes windows in the Genstat Graphics Viewer.
DCONTOUR draws contour plots on a plotter or graphics monitor.
DDISPLAY redraws the current graphical display.
DEBUG puts an implicit BREAK statement after the current statement and after every NSTATEMENTS subsequent statements, until an ENDDEBUG is reached.
DECLARE declares one or more customized data structures.
DELETE deletes the attributes and values of structures.
DEVICE switches between (high-resolution) graphics devices.
DFINISH ends a sequence of related high-resolution plots.
DFONT defines the default font for high-resolution graphics.
DGRAPH draws graphs on a plotter or graphics monitor.
DHISTOGRAM draws histograms on a plotter or graphics monitor.
DIAGONALMATRIX declares one or more diagonal matrix data structures.
DISPLAY prints, or reprints, diagnostic messages.
DISTRIBUTION estimates the parameters of continuous and discrete distributions.
DKEEP saves information from the last plot on a particular device.
DLOAD loads the graphics environment settings from an external file.
DPIE draws a pie chart on a plotter or graphics monitor.
DREAD reads the locations of points from an interactive graphical device.
DROP drops terms from a linear, generalized linear, generalized additive, or nonlinear model.
DSAVE saves the current graphics environment settings to an external file.
DSHADE plots a shade diagram of 3-dimensional data.
DSTART starts a sequence of related high-resolution plots.
DSURFACE produces perspective views of a two-way arrays of numbers.
DUMMY declares one or more dummy data structures.
DUMP prints information about data structures, and internal system information.
DUPLICATE forms new data structures with attributes taken from an existing structure.
DVIEW views windows in the Genstat Graphics Viewer.
D3GRAPH plots a 3-dimensional graph.
D3HISTOGRAM plots three-dimensional histograms.
EDIT edits text vectors.
ELSE introduces the default set of statements in block-if or in multiple-selection control structures.
ELSIF introduces a set of alternative statements in a block-if control structure.
ENDBREAK returns to the original channel or control structure and continues execution.
ENDCASE indicates the end of a “multiple-selection” control structure.
ENDDEBUG cancels a DEBUG statement.
ENDFOR indicates the end of the contents of a loop.
ENDIF indicates the end of a block-if control structure.
ENDJOB ends a Genstat job.
ENDPROCEDURE indicates the end of the contents of a Genstat procedure.
ENQUIRE provides details about files opened by Genstat.
EQUATE transfers data between structures of different sizes or types (but the same modes i.e. numerical or text) or where transfer is not from single structure to single structure.
ESTIMATE is a synonym for TFIT.
EXECUTE executes the statements contained within a text.
EXIT exits from a control structure.
EXPRESSION declares one or more expression data structures.
EXTERNAL declares an external function in a DLL for use by the OWN function.
FACROTATE rotates factor loadings from a principal components, canonical variates or factor analysis.
FACTOR declares one or more factor data structures.
FARGUMENTS forms lists of arguments involved in an expression.
FAULT checks whether to issue a diagnostic, i.e. a fault, warning or message.
FCA performs factor analysis.
FCLASSIFICATION forms a classification set for each term in a formula, breaks a formula up into separate formulae (one for each term), and applies a limit to the number of factors and variates in the terms of a formula.
FCOPY makes copies of files.
FCOVARIOGRAM forms a covariogram structure containing auto-variograms of individual variates and cross-variograms for pairs from a list of variates.
FDELETE deletes files.
FILTER is a synonym for TFILTER.
FIT fits a linear, generalized linear, generalized additive, or generalized nonlinear model.
FITCURVE fits a standard nonlinear regression model.
FITNONLINEAR fits a nonlinear regression model or optimizes a scalar function.
FKEY forms design keys for multi-stratum experimental designs, allowing for confounded and aliased treatments.
FLRV forms the values of LRV structures.
FOR introduces a loop; subsequent statements define the contents of the loop, which is terminated by the directive ENDFOR.
FORECAST is a synonym for TFORECAST.
FORMULA declares one or more formula data structures.
FOURIER calculates cosine or Fourier transforms of real or complex series.
FPSEUDOFACTORS determines patterns of confounding and aliasing from design keys, and extends the treatment model to incorporate the necessary pseudo-factors.
FRAME defines the positions and appearamce of the plotting windows within the frame of a high-resolution graph.
FRENAME renames files.
FRQUANTILES forms regression quantiles.
FSIMILARITY forms a similarity matrix or a between-group-elements similarity matrix or prints a similarity matrix.
FSSPM forms the values of SSPM structures.
FTSM forms preliminary estimates of parameters in time-series models.
FVARIOGRAM forms experimental variograms.
GENERATE generates factor values for designed experiments.
GET accesses details of the “environment” of a Genstat job.
GETATTRIBUTE accesses attributes of structures.
GETLOCATIONS finds locations of an identifier within a pointer, or a string within a factor or text, or a number within any numerical data structure.
GRAPH is a synonym for LPGRAPH.
GROUPS forms a factor (or grouping variable) from a variate or text, together with the set of distinct values that occur.
HCLUSTER performs hierarchical cluster analysis.
HDISPLAY displays results ancillary to hierarchical cluster analyses: matrix of mean similarities between and within groups, a set of nearest neighbours for each unit, a minimum spanning tree, and the most typical elements from each group.
HELP provides help information about Genstat.
HLIST lists the data matrix in abbreviated form.
HREDUCE forms a reduced similarity matrix (referring to the GROUPS instead of the original units).
HSUMMARIZE forms and prints a group by levels table for each test together with appropriate summary statistics for each group.
IF introduces a block-if control structure.
INPUT specifies the input file from which to take further statements.
INTERPOLATE interpolates values at intermediate points.
IRREDUNDANT forms irredundant test sets for the efficient identification of a set of objects.
JOB starts a Genstat job.
KRIGE calculates kriged estimates using a model fitted to the sample variogram.
LIST lists details of the data structures currently available within Genstat.
LPCONTOUR produces contour maps of two-way arrays of numbers using character (i.e. line-printer) graphics.
LPGRAPH produces point and line plots using character (i.e. line-printer) graphics.
LPHISTOGRAM produces histograms using character (i.e. line-printer) graphics.
LRV declares one or more LRV data structures.
MARGIN forms and calculates marginal values for tables.
MATRIX declares one or more matrix data structures.
MCOVARIOGRAM fits models to sets of variograms and cross-variograms.
MDS performs non-metric multidimensional scaling.
MERGE copies subfiles from backing-store files into a single file.
MODEL defines the response variate(s) and the type of model to be fitted for linear, generalized linear, generalized additive, and nonlinear models.
MONOTONIC fits an increasing monotonic regression of y on x.
NAG calls an algorithm from the NAG Library.
NNDISPLAY displays output from a multi-layer perceptron neural network fitted by NNFIT.
NNFIT fits a multi-layer perceptron neural network.
NNPREDICT forms predictions from a multi-layer perceptron neural network fitted by NNFIT.
OPEN opens files.
OPTION defines the options of a Genstat procedure with information to allow them to be checked when the procedure is executed.
OR introduces a set of alternative statements in a “multiple-selection” control structure.
OUTPUT defines where output is to be stored or displayed.
OWN does work specified in Fortran subprograms linked into Genstat by the user.
PAGE moves to the top of the next page of an output file.
PARAMETER defines the parameters of a Genstat procedure with information to allow them to be checked when the procedure is executed.
PASS does work specified in subprograms supplied by the user, but not linked into Genstat. This directive may not be available on some computers.
PCO performs principal coordinates analysis, also principal components and canonical variates analysis (but with different weighting from that used in CVA) as special cases.
PCORELATE relates the observed values on a set of variables to the results of a principal coordinates analysis.
PCP performs principal components analysis.
PEN defines the properties of “pens” for high-resolution graphics.
POINTER declares one or more pointer data structures.
PREDICT forms predictions from a linear or generalized linear model.
PRINT prints data in tabular format in an output file, unformatted file, or text.
PROCEDURE introduces a Genstat procedure.
QDIALOG produces a modal dialog box to obtain a response from the user.
QRD calculates QR decompositions of matrices.
RANDOMIZE randomizes the units of a designed experiment or the elements of a factor or variate.
RBDISPLAY displays output from a radial basis function model fitted by RBFIT.
RBFIT fits a radial basis function model.
RBPREDICT forms predictions from a radial basis function model fitted by RBFIT.
RCYCLE controls iterative fitting of generalized linear, generalized additive, and nonlinear models, and specifies parameters, bounds etc for nonlinear models.
RDISPLAY displays the fit of a linear, generalized linear, generalized additive, or nonlinear model.
READ reads data from an input file, an unformatted file, or a text.
RECORD dumps a job so that it can later be restarted by a RESUME statement.
REDUCE is a synonym for HREDUCE.
REFORMULATE modifies a formula or an expression to operate on a different set of data structures.
RELATE is a synonym for PCORELATE.
REML fits a variance-components model by residual (or restricted) maximum likelihood.
RENAME assigns new identifiers to data structures.
RESTRICT defines a restricted set of units of vectors for subsequent statements.
RESUME restarts a recorded job.
RETRIEVE retrieves structures from a subfile.
RETURN returns to a previous input stream (text vector or input channel).
RFUNCTION estimates functions of parameters of a nonlinear model.
RKEEP stores results from a linear, generalized linear, generalized additive, or nonlinear model.
RKESTIMATES saves estimates and other information about individual terms in a regression analysis.
ROTATE does a Procrustes rotation of one configuration of points to fit another.
SCALAR declares one or more scalar data structures.
SET sets details of the “environment” of a Genstat job.
SETALLOCATIONS runs through all ways of allocating a set of objects to subsets.
SETCALCULATE performs Boolean set calculations on the contents of vectors or pointers.
SETOPTION sets or modifies defaults of options of Genstat directives or procedures.
SETPARAMETER sets or modifies defaults of parameters of Genstat directives or procedures.
SETRELATE compares two sets of values in two data structures.
SET2FORMULA forms a model formula using structures supplied in a pointer.
SHELLEXECUTE launches executables or opens files in another application using their file extension.
SKIP skips lines in input or output files.
SORT sorts units of vectors according to an index vector.
SPLOAD loads Genstat spreadsheet files.
SSPM declares one or more SSPM data structures.
STEP selects terms to include in or exclude from a linear, generalized linear, or generalized additive model according to the ratio of residual mean squares.
STOP ends a Genstat program.
STORE to store structures in a subfile of a backing-store file.
STRUCTURE defines a compound data structure.
SUSPEND suspends execution of Genstat to carry out commands in the operating system. This directive may not be available on some computers.
SVD calculates singular value decompositions of matrices.
SWITCH adds terms to, or drops them from a linear, generalized linear, generalized additive, or nonlinear model.
SYMMETRICMATRIX declares one or more symmetric matrix data structures.
SYNTAX obtains details of the syntax of a command and the source code of a procedure.
TABLE declares one or more table data structures.
TABULATE forms summary tables of variate values.
TDISPLAY displays further output after an analysis by TFIT.
TERMS specifies a maximal model, containing all terms to be used in subsequent linear, generalized linear, generalized additive, and nonlinear models.
TEXT declares one or more text data structures.
TFILTER filters time series by time-series models.
TFIT estimates parameters in Box-Jenkins models for time series.
TFORECAST forecasts future values of a time series.
TKEEP saves results after an analysis by TFIT.
TRANSFERFUNCTION specifies input series and transfer-function models for subsequent estimation of a model for an output series.
TREATMENTSTRUCTURE specifies the treatment terms to be fitted by subsequent ANOVA statements.
TREE declares a tree, & initializes it to have a single node known as the root.
TRY displays results of single-term changes to a linear, generalized linear, or generalized additive model.
TSM declares one or more TSM data structures.
TSUMMARIZE displays characteristics of time series models.
TXBREAK breaks up a text structure into individual words.
TXCONSTRUCT forms a text structure by appending or concatenating values of scalars, variates, texts, factors, pointers or formulae; allows the case of letters to be changed or values to be truncated and reversed.
TXFIND finds a subtext within a text structure.
TXINTEGERCODES converts textual characters to and from their corresponding integer codes.
TXPOSITION locates strings within the lines of a text structure.
TXREPLACE replaces a subtext within a text structure.
TX2VARIATE converts text structures to variates.
UNITS defines an auxiliary vector of labels and/or the length of any vector whose length is not defined when a statement needing it is executed.
VARIATE declares one or more variate data structures.
VCOMPONENTS defines the variance-components model for REML.
VCYCLE controls details of the REML algorithm.
VDISPLAY displays further output from a REML analysis.
VKEEP copies information from a REML analysis into Genstat data structures.
VPEDIGREE generates an inverse relationship matrix for use when fitting animal or plant breeding models by REML.
VPREDICT forms predictions from a REML model.
VRESIDUAL defines the residual term for a REML model.
VSTATUS prints the current model settings for REML.
VSTRUCTURE defines a variance structure for random effects in a REML model
WORKSPACE accesses private data structures for use in procedures.
XAXIS defines the x-axis in each window for high-resolution graphics.
YAXIS defines the y-axis in each window for high-resolution graphics.
ZAXIS defines the z-axis in each window for high-resolution graphics.
%CD changes the current directory.
%CLEAR clears the client Output window.
%CLOSE closes the binary file opened by %OPEN.
%FLUSH flushes server output immediately to the client Output window.
%FPOSITION returns the current position in the binary file opened by %OPEN.
%LOG adds text into the Input Log window in the Genstat client.
%MESSAGEBOX displays text in a dialog in the Genstat client.
%OPEN open a binary file for use with %WRITE.
%SLEEP pauses execution of the server for a time specified in seconds.
%TEMPFILE creates a unique temporary file in the Genstat temporary folder.
%WRITE writes values of data structures to a binary file opened by %OPEN.

Updated on February 7, 2023

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