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Trial Details

This dialog defines the design information and meta data to generate a design. The design is required to fill a rectangular grid with no missing plots, and all varieties must be equally replicated. Thus the design has the requirement that the number of rows times the number of columns must equal the number of varieties times the number of replicates. If the number of entries in the trial does not allow a particular layout, you can often repeat some control entries to give a full grid.

The maximum number of rows, columns or treatments is 4000, with at most 8000 plots in the array, and the maximum number of replicates is 20. There must be at least two rows, columns and treatments, and at least three replicates in the design. The number of columns must be less than or equal to the number of treatments. The number of rows can be greater than the number of treatments, but it must then be a multiple of the number of treatments. Multiple replicates are stacked in the columns.

Trial Id

A trial code used to identify the trial. This would normally have letters to code the series, species, location and year for the trial. It must be unique as it is used as the default filename for the trial.


A one line description of the trial.

Units name

This gives the name of the factor indexing the units in the trial, and is Plot by default.


Provides the number of columns in the trial. The columns are numbered from 1 at the left of the page. The factor defining the columns is always named Col.


Provides the number of rows in the trial. The rows are numbered from 1 at the top of the page downwards. The factor defining the rows is always named Row.


Provides the factor name and number of replicates in the Name and No fields.


Provides the factor name and number of treatments in the Name and No fields.

Treatment names

Click this button to open the Edit Factor Levels and Labels dialog to allow the treatment names to be entered. The Number of treatments must be entered before using this button. The treatment names can be pasted into this dialog from another source.

Starting date

The date when the trial was started/sown. This should be entered in the format d-mmm-yy, e.g. 12-Feb-23. Initially it will be the date that the trial was generated, but should be changed later to the date when the trial was started.

Plot size

The area of a plot in square metres.

Sowing rate

The sowing rate of seeds.

Column types

Click this button to open the Edit Column Types dialog to allow the column types to be defined. These can be edited later by using the Trials | Edit | Column types menu. The column types can be used to define columns whose repeated measures are to be summarized over seasons, or to define columns that are to be calculated automatically from other column types. For example, dry matter yield could be calculated automatically as the product of green yield and dry matter percentage.


This specifies the type of design generated.

Randomized block Randomized block design using generated using the AGFACTORIAL procedure
Lattice A square lattice design generated using the AGSQLATTICE procedure
Lattice square A lattice square design generated using the AGSQLATTICE procedure
Latin square Latin square design generated using the AGLATIN procedure
Flexible row-column design A doubly resolvable row-column design generated using the AFRCRESOLVABLE procedure

For the Flexible row-column design there is a Search time option (default 60 seconds) that specifies the maximum time in seconds to spend searching for an optimal design. For large designs, the time should be increased. For example, 1000 seconds is recommended for more than 100 treatments, and 4000 seconds for more than 200 treatments.

For the lattice designs the number of treatments must be a square of an integer (e.g. 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49 …). For a Latin design the number of replicates must equal the number of treatments, so this is useful only for a small number of treatments.

Randomization seed

This gives a seed to initialize the random number generator used for the design algorithms. Using zero initializes this from the computer’s clock, but specifying an non-zero value gives a repeatable design.

First plot

This option specifies where the numbering of units should start, as follows:

Top left Left-hand plot at the top of the design, i.e. in the first row and first column (default)
Top right Right-hand plot at the top of the design, i.e. in the first row and final column
Bottom left Left-hand plot at the bottom of the design, i.e. in the final row and first column
Bottom right Right-hand plot at the bottom of the design, i.e. in the final row and final column

Plot order

This option defines the order the plots are numbered from the first plot:

Across rows The plots are numbered within rows, column by column
Down columns The plots are numbered within columns, row by row

Plot numbering

This option defines the how the plots are numbered as you move to a new row or column plot:

One side The plots are numbered within rows or columns always from the same side of the design
Serpentine The next row or column is from the end of the last numbered row or column, so the numbering zig-zags up and then down or left and then right


This option defines how the orientation of the replicates in the trial:

Across trial The replicates run across the trial, so the replicates are horizontal groups of plots
Down trial The replicates run down the trial, so the replicates are vertical groups of plots

Number of seasons

This option defines the number of seasons to which the repeated measurements across years are allocated:

4 There are 4 seasons (default names Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn)
5 There are 5 seasons (default names Winter, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer and Autumn)

The seasons used in the trial can later be edited using the Trials | Edit | Seasons menu which opens the Define Seasons dialog.


A multi-line text that records any comments about the trial

Action buttons

Ok Run the analysis.
Cancel Close the window without further changes.

See also

Updated on April 19, 2024

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